Page 2 - Scoop June 2022
P. 2
Douglasville CSC Groundbreaking!
Right Click Here to Watch a short
video of the ceremony produced
by the Douglas County Team.
A large crowd was on hand for the recent Ground-
breaking Ceremony for the new Douglasville CSC.
DDS and Douglas County Officials have been working
on funding for a new CSC in this area for a long time.
It took a village, but a large proponent of the project
was Senator and Floor Leader Jeff Dugan. He was in-
strumental in getting the funding from the State.
We are glad to bring a full service Customer Service
Center to Douglasville! Customers in this area have
been traveling to Atlanta and/or Marietta or further
for services.
The new Center will be a modern, hi-tech 8,000 square
foot facility with 12 service counters, 20 computer
testing stations and 9 tech deck computers.
The icing on the cake is that it will bring commercial
vehicle testing to this area of the State. There will be
two testing pads for CDL testing adding approximate-
ly 100 commercial road tests each day.