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                                               Information and Tips to Protect You and Your Family

We hope you                              Georgia Automobile Accident Checklist*
are never in an
automobile accident,                     l STOP — Failure to stop is a crime. Do not obstruct traffic more than is
but if you are, will you                    necessary.
know what to do?
                                         l MEDICAL ATTENTION — Get medical attention for the injured.
Our Georgia Accident                     l SAFETY — Take all precautions to prevent further accidents: e.g. put on
Checklist can help
you along the way.                          your flashing hazard lights.
                                         l CALL THE POLICE — Call City Police, County Sheriff, or Highway Patrol.
Tear out this guide                      l COMMENTS — At the scene, don’t make any comments to anyone about
and keep it in your car.
                                            the accident, except the Police. When the Police arrive, be honest and
Did You Know?                               cooperate by stating the facts. Avoid guessing, making admissions or
Since 1984, the Attorneys at Montlick       giving your opinions.
& Associates have provided caring,       l IDENTIFICATION — Give your name, address, vehicle registration
high quality legal representation           number, and upon request, exhibit your driver’s license and insurance
to injured people in Georgia and            information to any other party to the accident and to the police officer.
throughout the Southeast. The firm          Get the same information from the other driver(s). Also, if possible obtain
represents families and individuals in      the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) found on the other driver(s)
all types of cases involving personal       vehicle or Insurance Card.
injury, including: car, bus, motorcycle  l WITNESSES — Get witnesses’ names, addresses, phone numbers,
and truck accidents, drunk driving          comments, etc.
accidents, wrongful death, workers’      l TAKE NOTES — Make your own written notes to help you remember
compensation, products liability and        the facts.
medical malpractice.                     l TAKE PHOTOS — Take pictures of the accident scene and the damage to
Recent Honors                               the vehicles, if you have a camera and are able to safely do so. Your cell
Montlick & Associates was honored by        phone may also be able to take pictures or videos. Also, if possible take
the Georgia House of Representatives        a picture of the other driver(s) Insurance Card to collect the VIN number
with the passing of House Resolution        and other important information.
394, which publicly recognized “the      l DON’T LEAVE — Unless you are seriously injured or have to go with an
outstanding accomplishments of this         injured person, don’t leave unless the police officer leaves or tells you to
distinguished firm," and “for providing     leave.
efficient, effective and dedicated       l UNATTENDED VEHICLES — If you collide with an unattended vehicle or
services to the citizens of Georgia.”       other property, you must STOP as above and either locate the owner or
The firm was also recognized as an          leave a conspicuous written notice for the owner giving the name and
“Outstanding Georgia Business” by           address of the driver and owner of your vehicle, the registration number
Georgia's Secretary of State.               of the vehicle you are driving, and a statement of the circumstances, and
                                            then notify the nearest police authority as soon as possible.
Contact Us 24/7 for a                    l CALL MONTLICK & ASSOCIATES, Attorneys at Law — If the accident
Free Consultation.                          was not your fault and you or someone you know was injured, call us for
We’re Here to Help.                         your Free Consultation.
                                           *This is only a brief summary of Georgia Law. Additional steps are usually
                                            necessary to protect your rights.

Call Us Toll Free at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333)               Copyright 2017,
Live 24/7 Online Chat at                 Montlick & Associates, P.C.
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