Page 2 - September Scoop 2022
P. 2

D D S   S C O O P   / S E P T E M B E R   2 0 2 2

                              Warner Robins Grand Reopening!
                              Warner Robins Grand Reopening!

                                                                      DDS is on a roll!  Another renovation project
                                                                     is successfully complete in Warner Robins.
                                                                     This center received a total transformation.

                                                                         Watch this short news story posted on
                                                                                 41NBC/WMGT)  in Macon.

         Commissioner Spencer R. Moore, Board of
         Directors Chairman David Connell, Center
         Manager CC (Cenizan) Collins, local and state
         officials and Team DDS cut the reopening ribbon
         to the upgraded Warner Robins CSC.

         State Representative Shaw Blackmon, Houston
         County Board Chairman Tommy Stalnaker and
         Warner Robins Police Chief John Wagner joined
         the celebration.

         The Warner Robins Team has been serving
         customers for about four months out of a
         temporary trailer that was at best uncomfortable
         for them and our customers.
                                                                                 Commissioner Moore &
                                                                         DDS Board  Chairman David Connell
         This center has been transformed compared to
         where we started. The previously windowless
         small structure now has plenty of light.
         The reorganization gives customers and Team
         Members more space!

         We appreciate the partnership with Houston
         County who paved the way for this location. Our
         records show that in 1987, Houston County
         provided the land to the Department of Public
         Safety who was issuing licenses then! That is way
         before most of our time so we have a long
         partnership which we value.
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