Page 33 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 33
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE flashing red lights and bells. When the lights be
gin to flash, stop! A train is approaching. You are
required to yield the right-of-way to the train.
Subsections 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 and 2.14 If there is more than one track, make sure all
• You should use low beams whenever you • You should let air out of hot tires so the tracks are clear before crossing. See Figure 2.18.
can. True or False? pressure goes back to normal. True or Gates. Many railroad-highway crossings
False? have gates with flashing red lights and bells.
• What should you do before you drive if Stop when the lights begin to flash and before
you are drowsy? • You can safely remove the radiator cap as the gate lowers across the road lane. Remain
long as the engine isn't overheated. True
• What effects can wet brakes cause? How or False? stopped until the gates go up and the lights
can you avoid these problems? have stopped flashing. Proceed when it is safe.
See Figure 2.18.
These questions may be on the test. If you can't answer all of them, re-read subsections
2.11, 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14 2.15.3 - Driving Procedures
Never Race a Train to a Crossing. Never at
tempt to race a train to a crossing. It is extremely
2.14.2 - Driving Active Crossings. This type of crossing has difficult to judge the speed of an approaching
Watch for Bleeding Tar. Tar in the road pave a traffic control device installed at the cross Reduce Speed. Speed must be reduced in ac
ing to regulate traffic at the crossing. These ac
ment frequently rises to the surface in very hot
weather. Spots where tar "bleeds" to the surface tive devices include flashing red lights, with cordance with your ability to see approaching
or without bells and flashing red lights with trains in any direction, and speed must be held
are very slippery. bells and gates. to a point which will permit you to stop short of
Go Slowl Enough to Prevent Overheating. the tracks in case a stop is necessary.
High speeds create more heat for tires and the 2.15.2-Warning Signs and Devices Don't Expect to Hear a Train. Because of
engine. In desert conditions the heat may build Advance Warning Signs. The round, black
noise inside your vehicle, you cannot expect to
up to the point where it is dangerous. The heat on-yellow warning sign is placed ahead of a hear the train horn until the train is dangerously
will increase chances of tire failure or even fire, public railroad-highway crossing. The advance close to the crossing.
and engine failure.
warning sign tells you to slow down, look and Don't Rel on Signals. You should not rely
listen for the train, and be prepared to stop at y
2.15- Railroad-highway the tracks if a train is coming. See Figure 2.15. solely upon the presence of warning signals,
Crossings gates, or flagmen to warn of the approach of
Pavement Markings. Pavement markings trains. Be especially alert at crossings that do not
Railroad-highway grade crossings are a spe mean the same as the advance warning sign. have gates or flashing red light signals.
cial kind of intersection where the roadway They consist of an "X" with the letters ""RR" Double Tracks Require a Double Check.
and a no-passing marking on two-lane roads.
crosses train tracks. These crossings are always See Figure 2.16. Remember that a train on one track may hide a
dangerous. Every such crossing must be ap There is also a no passing zone sign on two train on the other track. Look both ways before
proached with the expectation that a train is lane roads. There may be a white stop line crossing. After one train has cleared a crossing,
coming. be sure no other trains are near before starting
painted on the pavement before the railroad across the tracks.
2.15.1 -Types of Crossings tracks. The front of the school bus must remain
behind this line while stopped at the crossing. Yard Areas and Grade Crossings in Cities
Passive Crossings. This type of crossing does and Towns. Yard areas and grade crossings
not have any type of traffic control device. The Crossbuck Signs. This sign marks the grade in cities and towns are just as dangerous as
crossing. It requires you to yield the right-of-way
decision to stop or proceed rests entirely in your rural grade crossings. Approach them with as
hands. Passive crossings require you to recog to the train. If there is no white line painted on much caution.
the pavement, you must stop the bus before the
nize the crossing, search for any train using crossbuck sign. When the road crosses over more
the tracks and decide if there is sufficient clear than one set of tracks, a sign below the crossbuck 2.15.4 -Stopping Safely at Railroad
space to cross safely. Passive crossings have indicates the number of tracks. See Figure 2.17. highway Crossings
yellow circular advance warning signs, pave A full stop is required at grade crossings
ment markings and crossbucks to assist you in Flashing Red Light Signals. At many high whenever:
recognizing a crossing. way-rail grade crossings, the crossbuck sign has
Figure 2.15 Figure 2.16 Figure 2.17 Figure 2.18