Page 53 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 53


         COMBINATION                         6.1 - Driving Combination           change, the crack-the-whip effect can tum the
         VEHICLES                                  Vehicles Safely               trailer over. There are many accidents where
                                                                                 only the trailer has overturned.
                                                                                   "Rearward amplification" causes the crack­
                                               Combination vehicles are usually heavier,   the-whip effect. Figure 6.1 shows eight types of
         This Section Covers                 longer, and require more  driving skill than   combination vehicles and the rearward ampli­
                                             single commercial vehicles. This means that
                                                                                 fication each has in a quick lane change. Rigs
           Driving                           drivers of combination vehicles need more   with the least crack-the-whip effect are shown
                                             knowledge and skill than drivers of single
           Combinations ............. 6.1    vehicles. In this section, we talk about some   at the top and those with the most, at the bot­
                                                                                 tom. Rearward amplification of 2.0 in the chart
                                             important safety factors that apply specifically   means that the rear trailer is twice as likely to
           Combination Vehicle               to combination vehicles.            turn over as the tractor. You can see that triples
           Air Brakes .................. 6.2   6.1.1 - Rollover Risks            have a rearward amplification of 3.5. This means
                                                                                 you can roll the last trailer of triples 3.5 times
                                               More  than  half of truck  driver deaths in  as easily as a five-axle tractor.
           Antilock Brake                    crashes are the result of truck rollovers. When   Steer gently and smoothly when you are pull­
           Systems ..................... 6.3   more cargo is piled up in a truck, the "center of  ing trailers. If you make a sudden movement
                                             gravity" moves higher up from the road. The  with your steering wheel, your trailer could tip
           Cou lin and                       truck becomes easier to tum over. Fully loaded  over. Follow far enough behind other vehicles
           Uncou lin ............... 6.4     rigs are ten times more likely to roll over in a  (at least 1 second for each 10 feet of your vehicle
                                                                                 length, plus another second if going over 40
                                             crash than empty rigs.
                                               The following two things will help you pre­
                                                                                 mph). Look far enough down the road to avoid
           Inspection                        vent rollover--keep the cargo as close to the  being surprised and having to make a sudden
           Combinations ............ 6.5     ground as possible, and drive slowly around  lane change. At night, drive slowly enough to
                                             turns. Keeping cargo low is even more impor­  see obstacles with your headlights before it is
                                             tant in combination vehicles than in straight  too late to change lanes or stop gently. Slow
                                             trucks. Also, keep the load centered on your  down to a safe speed before going into a turn.
           This section provides information needed   rig. If the load is to one side so it makes a trailer
         to pass the tests  for combination vehicles   lean, a rollover is more likely. Make sure your  6.1.3 - Brake Early
         (tractor-trailer, doubles, triples, straight truck   cargo is centered and spread out as much as   Control your speed whether fully loaded or
         with trailer). The information is only to give you   possible. (Cargo distribution is covered in Sec­
         the minimum knowledge needed for driving   tion 3 of this manual.)      empty. Large combination vehicles take longer
                                                                                 to stop when they are empty than when they
         common combination vehicles. You should   Rollovers happen when you tum too fast.
         also study Section 7 if you need to pass the   Drive slowly around corners, on ramps, and   are fully loaded. When lightly loaded, the very
         test for doubles and triples.       off ramps. Avoid quick lane changes, especially   stiff suspension springs and strong brakes give
                                             when fully loaded.                  poor traction and make it very easy to lock up
                                                                                 the wheels. Your trailer can swing out and strike
                                             6.1.2 - Steer Gently                other vehicles. Your tractor can jackknife very
                                                                                 quickly. You also must be very  careful about
                                               Trucks with trailers have a dangerous "crack­  driving  " b obtail"  tractors  (tractors without
                                             the-whip" effect. When you make a quick lane  semitrailers). Tests have shown that bobtails
                                                                      -                  1.0   I.S   20   2.5   3.0   !.5   40
                                              INFLUENCE OF COMBINATION TYPE ON REARWARD AMPLIFICATION

                                                  •5 :»do t111ctor      I
                                                   with 45 fl
                                                  •3 axle tractor   •
                                                   with 27 fl
                                                  •Turnpll<Q            11          I
                                                   doubk> 45 ft.                 w
                                                   lf.ailOB   .di.,  - �
                                                  ·   .,  •  .. •  ..
                                                   doublG 27 It
                                                   ti il�n   -iUI -
                                                  •Rocky                11       I
                                                   mountain           w •  •
                                                   double - 4S ft.
                                                  •C:al�om�hucll e;UQ t;=;
                                                   11111 trallor
                                                  ·651t.            ll        I
                                                   con  ntl-1       .. •  •
                                                   double- 27 it.
                                                                    71        II       I
                                                  •Tripl9 27 IL     • •  • •          •

                                                                           Figure 6.1
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