Page 37 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 37
Class/Type of Fires • Follow Safe Procedures. Follow correct
safety procedures for fueling the vehicle, us-
Class Type Extinguish by… ing brakes, handling flares, and other activi-
ties that can cause a fire.
A Wood, Paper, Ordinary Combus- Extinguish by Cooling and Quenching • Monitoring. Check the instruments and
tibles Using Water or Dry Chemicals gauges often for signs of overheating and use
the mirrors to look for signs of smoke from
tires or the vehicle.
Extinguish by Smothering, Cooling • Caution. Use normal caution in handling
B Gasoline, Oil, Grease, Other or Heat Shielding using carbon Dioxide anything flammable.
Greasy Liquids or Dry Chemicals
2.21.3 – Fire Fighting
Extinguish with Nonconducting Agents Knowing how to fight fires is important.
C Electrical Equipment Fires such as Carbon Dioxide or Dry Chemicals. Drivers who didn’t know what to do have made
DO NOT USE WATER. fires worse. Know how the fire extinguisher
works. Study the instructions printed on the
extinguisher before you need it. Here are some
procedures to follow in case of fire.
D Fires in Combustible Metals Extinguish by Using Specialized Pull Off the Road. The first step is to get the
Extinguishing Powders
vehicle off the road and stop. In doing so:
• Park in an open area, away from buildings,
Figure 2.20 trees, brush, other vehicles, or anything that
might catch fire.
• Don’t pull into a service station!
• Notify emergency services of your problem
Class of Fire/ Type of Extinguisher and your location.
Class of Fire Fire Extinguisher Type Keep the Fire from Spreading. Before try-
ing to put out the fire, make sure that it doesn’t
B or C Regular Dry Chemical
spread any further.
A, B, C or D Multi Purpose Dry Chemical
D Purple K Dry Chemical
B or C KCL Dry Chemical
D Dry Powder Special Compound
B or C Carbon Dioxide (Dry)
B or C Halogenated Agent (Gas)
A Water
A Water With Anti-Freeze
A or B Water, Loaded Steam Style
B, On Some A Foam
Figure 2.21
Subsections 2.20 and 2.21
• What are some things to do at an • When using your extinguisher, should you
accident scene to prevent another get as close as possible to the fire?
• Name some causes of vehicle fires.
• Name two causes of tire fires.
• What kinds of fires is a B:C extinguisher
not good for?
These questions may be on the test. If you can’t answer them all, re-read subsections 2.20
and 2.21