Page 45 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 45
• Reason for stopping.
Class Class Name Example
• Next departure time.
1 Explosives Ammunition, Dynamite, Fireworks
• Bus number. 2 Gases Propane, Oxygen, Helium
Remind riders to take carry-ons with them if 3 Flammable Gasoline Fuel, Acetone
they get off the bus. If the aisle is on a lower level 4 Flammable Solids Matches, Fuses
than the seats, remind riders of the step-down. It is 5 Oxidizers Ammonium Nitrate, Hydrogen Peroxide
best to tell them before coming to a complete stop. 6 Poisons Pesticides, Arsenic
Charter bus drivers should not allow riders 7 Radioactive Uranium, Plutonium
on the bus until departure time. This will help
prevent theft or vandalism of the bus. 8 Corrosives Hydrochloric Acid, Battery Acid
9 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials Formaldehyde, Asbestos
4.3 – On the Road None ORM-D (Other Regulated Material-Domestic) Hair Spray or Charcoal
Fuel Oils, Lighter Fluid
Combustible Liquids
4.3.1 – Passenger Supervision Figure 4.1
Many charter and intercity carriers have pas- other drivers will brake to give you room when » If a traffic signal is green.
senger comfort and safety rules. Mention rules you signal or start to pull out. » At crossings marked as “exempt” or “aban-
about smoking, drinking, or use of radio and tape doned.”
players at the start of the trip. Explaining the rules 4.3.4 – Speed on Curves
at the start will help to avoid trouble later on. Crashes on curves that kill people and destroy 4.3.6 – Drawbridges
While driving, scan the interior of your bus as buses result from excessive speed, often when rain Stop at Drawbridges. Stop at drawbridges that
well as the road ahead, to the sides, and to the rear. or snow has made the road slippery. Every banked do not have a signal light or traffic control atten-
You may have to remind riders about rules, or to curve has a safe “design speed.” In good weather, dant. Stop at least 50 feet before the draw of the
keep arms and heads inside the bus.
the posted speed is safe for cars but it may be too bridge. Look to make sure the draw is completely
4.3.2 – At Stops high for many buses. With good traction, the bus closed before crossing. You do not need to stop, but
may roll over; with poor traction, it might slide off must slow down and make sure it’s safe, when:
Riders can stumble when getting on or off, and the curve. Reduce speed for curves! If your bus
when the bus starts or stops. Caution riders to leans toward the outside on a banked curve, you • There is a traffic light showing green.
watch their step when leaving the bus. Wait for are driving too fast. • The bridge has an attendant or traffic officer
them to sit down or brace themselves before start- who controls traffic whenever the bridge opens.
ing. Starting and stopping should be as smooth 4.3.5 – Railroad-highway
as possible to avoid rider injury. Crossings Stops 4.4 – After-trip Vehicle Inspection
Occasionally, you may have a drunk or disrup-
tive rider. You must ensure this rider’s safety as Stop at RR Crossings:
well as that of others. Don’t discharge such riders • Stop your bus between 15 and 50 feet before Inspect your bus at the end of each shift. If you
where it would be unsafe for them. It may be safer railroad crossings. work for an interstate carrier, you must complete a
at the next scheduled stop or a well-lighted area written inspection report for each bus driven. The
where there are other people. Many carriers have • Listen and look in both directions for trains. report must specify each bus and list any defect
guidelines for handling disruptive riders. You should open your forward door if it im- that would affect safety or result in a breakdown.
proves your ability to see or hear an approach- If there are no defects, the report should say so.
4.3.3 – Common Accidents ing train. Riders sometimes damage safety-related parts
• Before crossing after a train has passed, make such as handholds, seats, emergency exits, and
The Most Common Bus Accidents. Bus acci- sure there isn’t another train coming in the windows. If you report this damage at the end
dents often happen at intersections. Use caution, other direction on other tracks. of a shift, mechanics can make repairs before the
even if a signal or stop sign controls other traffic. bus goes out again. Mass transit drivers should
School and mass transit buses sometimes scrape • If your bus has a manual transmission, never also make sure passenger signaling devices and
off mirrors or hit passing vehicles when pulling change gears while crossing the tracks. brake-door interlocks work properly.
out from a bus stop. Remember the clearance your • You do not have to stop, but must slow down
bus needs, and watch for poles and tree limbs at and carefully check for other vehicles: 4.5 – Prohibited Practices
stops. Know the size of the gap your bus needs » At streetcar crossings.
to accelerate and merge with traffic. Wait for the » Where a policeman or flagman is directing Avoid fueling your bus with riders on board
gap to open before leaving the stop. Never assume
traffic. unless absolutely necessary. Never refuel in a
closed building with riders on board.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Don’t talk with riders, or engage in any other
distracting activity, while driving.
Do not tow or push a disabled bus with riders
Section 4 aboard the vehicle, unless getting off would be
• Name some things to check in the interior • How far from a railroad crossing should unsafe. Only tow or push the bus to the nearest
of a bus during a pre-trip inspection. you stop? safe spot o discharge passengers. Follow your
employer’s guidelines on towing or pushing dis-
• What are some hazardous materials you • When must you stop before crossing a abled buses.
can transport by bus? drawbridge?
• What are some hazardous materials you • Describe from memory the “prohibited 4.6 – Use of Brake-door Interlocks
can’t transport by bus? practices” listed in the manual.
• What is a standee line? • The rear door of a transit bus has to be Urban mass transit coaches may have a brake
open to put on the parking brake. True or and accelerator interlock system. The interlock
• Does it matter where you make a applies the brakes and holds the throttle in idle
disruptive passenger get off the bus? False? position when the rear door is open. The interlock
These questions may be on your test. If you can’t answer them all, re-read Section 4. releases when you close the rear door. Do not use
this safety feature in place of the parking brake.