Page 70 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 70
If rules require it, the shipper will put RQ, TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
or INHALATION-HAZARD on the package.
Packages with liquid containers inside will also Subsections 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3
have package orientation markings with the ar- • Shippers package in order to (fill in the • A hazardous materials identification
rows pointing in the correct upright direction. blank) the material. number must appear on the (fill in the
The labels used always reflect the hazard class blank) and on the (fill in the blank). The
of the product. If a package needs more than one • Driver placard their vehicle to (fill in the identification number must also appear
label, the labels must be close together, near the blank) the risk. on cargo tanks and other bulk packaging.
proper shipping name. • What three things do you need to know to
decide which placards (if any) you need? • Where must you keep shipping papers
9.3.8 – Recognizing Hazardous describing hazardous materials?
Materials These questions may be on your test. If you can’t answer them all, re-read subsections
Learn to recognize shipments of hazardous 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.
materials. To find out if the shipment includes
hazardous materials, look at the shipping paper.
Does it have:
• An entry with a proper shipping name, haz- • Easily seen from the direction it faces. hazardous material. Certain bulk packages only
ard class, and identification number? have to be placarded on the two opposite sides
• Placed so the words or numbers are level and
• A highlighted entry, or one with an X or RQ or may display labels. All other bulk packages
in the hazardous materials column? read from left to right. must be placarded on all four sides.
• At least three inches away from any other
Other clues suggesting hazardous materials:
markings. 9.4 – Loading and Unloading
• What business is the shipper in? Paint dealer?
Chemical supply? Scientific supply house? • Kept clear of attachments or devices such as
Pest control or agricultural supplier? Explo- ladders, doors, and tarpaulins. Do all you can to protect containers of haz-
sives, munitions, or fireworks dealer? • Kept clean and undamaged so that the color, ardous materials. Don’t use any tools, which
format, and message are easily seen. might damage containers or other packaging
• Are there tanks with diamond labels or plac- during loading. Don’t use hooks.
ards on the premises? • Be affixed to a background of contrasting
color. 9.4.1 – General Loading
• What type of package is being shipped? Cyl- Requirements
inders and drums are often used for hazard- • The use of “Drive Safely” and other slogans
ous materials shipments. is prohibited. Before loading or unloading, set the parking
brake. Make sure the vehicle will not move.
• Is a hazard class label, proper shipping name, • The front placard may be on the front of the Many products become more hazardous
or identification number on the package? tractor or the front of the trailer.
when exposed to heat. Load hazardous mate-
• Are there any handling precautions? To decide which placards to use, you need rials away from heat sources.
to know: Watch for signs of leaking or damaged
(IMPORTANT NOTE: To view complete containers: LEAKS SPELL TROUBLE! Do not
regulatory requirements for the transporta- • The hazard class of the materials. transport leaking packages. Depending on the
tion of hazardous materials one should refer • The amount of hazardous materials shipped. material, you, your truck, and others could be
to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, in danger. It is illegal to move a vehicle with
Parts 100-185.) • The total weight of all classes of hazardous leaking hazardous materials.
materials in your vehicle.
9.3.9 – Hazardous Waste Manifest Containers of hazardous materials must be
9.3.11 – Placard Tables braced to prevent movement of the packages
When transporting hazardous wastes, you
must sign by hand and carry a Uniform Haz- There are two placard tables, Table 1 and Table during transportation.
ardous Waste Manifest. The name and EPA 2. Table 1 materials must be placarded whenever No Smoking. When loading or unloading
registration number of the shippers, carriers, any amount is transported. See Figure 9.7. hazardous materials, keep fire away. Don’t let
and destination must appear on the manifest. Except for bulk packaging, the hazard classes people smoke nearby. Never smoke around:
Shippers must prepare, date, and sign by hand in Table 2 need placards only if the total amount
the manifest. Treat the manifest as a shipping transported is 1,001 pounds or more including • Class 1 (Explosives)
paper when transporting the waste. Only give the package. Add the amounts from all shipping • Class 2.1 (Flammable Gas )
the waste shipment to another registered car- papers for all the Table 2 products you have on
rier or disposal/treatment facility. Each carrier board. See Figure 9.8. • Class 3 (Flammable Liquids)
transporting the shipment must sign by hand the Placards used to identify the primary or sub- • Class 4 (Flammable Solids)
manifest. After you deliver the shipment, keep sidiary hazard class of a material must have the
your copy of the manifest. Each copy must have hazard class or division number displayed in • Class 5 (Oxidizers)
all needed signatures and dates, including those the lower corner of the placard. Permanently Secure Against Movement. Brace containers
of the person to whom you delivered the waste. affixed subsidiary hazard placards without the so they will not fall, slide, or bounce around
hazard class number may be used as long as during transportation. Be very careful when
9.3.10 – Placarding they stay within color specifications. loading containers that have valves or other
Placards may be displayed for hazardous fittings. All hazardous materials packages must
Attach the appropriate placards to the ve- materials even if not required so long as the be secured during transportation.
hicle before you drive it. You are only allowed placard identifies the hazard of the material After loading, do not open any package dur-
to move an improperly placarded vehicle dur- being transported. ing your trip. Never transfer hazardous materi-
ing an emergency, in order to protect life or Bulk packaging is a single container with a als from one package to another while in transit.
property. capacity of 119 gallons or more. A bulk package, You may empty a cargo tank, but do not empty
Placards must appear on both sides and both and a vehicle transporting a bulk package, must any other package while it is on the vehicle.
ends of the vehicle. Each placard must be:
be placarded, even if it only has the residue of a