Page 2 - DDS Newsletter The Scoop October2022
P. 2

D D S   S C O O P   / O C T O B E R   2 0 2 2

                                     Hazlehurst Groundbreaking
                                     Hazlehurst Groundbreaking

      Does it seem like DDS is having a lot of events for
      new facilities? We are, and it's great!

      Commissioner Spencer R. Moore, Board of
      Directors Member Christie Moore, State Senator
      Blake Tillery, Hazlehurst Mayor Bayne Stone and
      members of the DDS Family and other county
      partners broke ground for a brand new full service
      customer service center in Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis
      County.  Even more exciting is that this center will
      be a CDL site providing commercial driver testing
      and services.  Currently, for CDL services,
      customers must travel to Brunswick or Albany or
      further for commercial driver testing and

      Next year DDS will open two additional CDL sites
      in Hazlehurst and Douglasville. This will bring the
      total number of CDL testing sites to twelve.

              Mayor Bayne Stone posed proudly with
            Commissioner Moore.  The Mayor had been
           advocating for a CDL site in his town for quite
                              some time.
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