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gardening for birds  Barbets  pets & plants - Tortoises

                            There are quite a few different tortoises found
                            around the country, I’ve run into tent tortoises,
                            hinge-backs, leopard tortoises and perhaps a
                            geometric tortoise too. But they shouldn’t be
                            kept as pets.

                            Leopard tortoises are quite common around where I live
                            in the Greater Gaborone area. And I’ve seen Tent tortoises
                            on the road to Hukuntsi, and possibly a Geometric in the
                            Central Kalahari. They look like they might need rescuing
                            when you find them in the middle of a road, or cute to have
                            as pets, but don’t do it, they’re much better off in the wild.

                            They also carry ticks, so if you do have one, with the
                            relevant permits, make sure you treat it for ticks monthly or
                            take it to a vet for advice. Tortoises like a varied diet, ideally
                            with wild grasses, and plants that occur naturally around
                            Botswana like Oxygonum sinuatum. They are herbivores, and
                            about 80% of their diet is plant based, 20% fruit. Calcium
                            is important for tortoises, so dust their food with a calcium
                            powder, and make sure to consult a vet. Text & photos by S.C

    Bennet’s Woodpecker

                                                   Housecalls, consultations, and surgery on appointment
                                                   for large and small animals. Veterinary acupuncture and
                                                        herbal medicine available on request.
                                                        76247062  / 3160520

                                                      Plot 135 Sefoke Rd, Tlokweng (near Oasis Motel)
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