Page 3 - 10. Chapter X_Talking about Invitation
P. 3
RSPV by June 1 to
Come and join us for
Appetizers, music, and fellowship
a. Definition Of course. It is used
to ask someone to do
Do you know what is something or come to
the special event.
a Invitation?
b. Social Function
The text has a social function as a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another
person to join you at a specific event.
c. Generic Structure
Writing a good invitation letter can take up more time if you don't know where to start.
1. Receiver/Invitee: a person or a people will be invited.
2. Body of invitation/ Content of information, consists of:
• Subjek: name of event
• Time: day, date and when the event will be started.
• Place: Where the event will be held.
3. Sender/Inviter: a person who invites.
Chapter X – Talking about Invitation 87