Page 4 - 11. Chapter XI_Talking about Covid-19
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Dr Christopher responded by suggesting that young people experiencing
these feelings should catch up with friends online, find new hobbies and do their best
to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He stressed the importance of seeking the support of a mental
health expert if they are having thoughts of suicide, self-harm or a desire to escape reality
through drug use. He also explained how coping mechanisms are key to recognizing and
releasing stress.
"There are many coping mechanisms, but there are two things that I think are
important: first, humor. Humor is the best medicine. Second, hope. Keep hoping, don't be
As of 28 August, the session has been viewed over 1,500 times on the CIMSA
YouTube channel. In a follow-up survey, over 95 per cent of participants rated it “very
well” or “well” with many positive comments expressing anticipation for upcoming
The sessions will continue to air every other Saturday until 10 October, which
coincides with World Mental Health Day. The next session is scheduled for 5 September
and will cover anxieties, fears and concerns around remote learning and school reopening.
With the pandemic here to stay for the foreseeable future, Indonesia’s 66 million
young people must be prepared and empowered to cope with its consequences.
“As young people know best about the issues that matter to them, it’s important that
we work with them to support their well-being and give them the opportunity to be agents
of change,” said Tsunokake. “With our support, we hope this initiative will reach as many
young people as possible so that they can sustain their mental health during this prolonged
and challenging time.”
2. Language Features
Secara sederhana, conditional sentence merupakan kalimat majemuk yang berisikan
kondisi mengenai sebuah pengandaian, imajinasi, atau suatu kejadian yang belum terjadi.
Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris, kalimat pengandaian ini diawali dengan ‘if’ sebagai penanda
bahwa kondisinya memang belum terjadi. Bentuk conditional sentence adalah “If-clause +
main clause.” Jika diperhatikan, if-clause merupakan bagian dari kalimat pengandaiannya.
Sedangkan main clause, biasanya berisi konsekuensi atau akibat dari kondisi pengandaian
96 Chapter XI – Talking about Covid-19