Page 16 - TOEP Preparation
P. 16
17. The toughening of meat during hot boning has been combatted by
A. following hot boning with electrical stimulation
B. tenderizing the meat
C. using electrical stimulation before hot boning
D. removing only the edible muscle and fat prerigor
18. The word "bovine" in line 3 is nearest in meaning to
A. cold
B. electrically stimulated
C. beef
D. pork
19. The word "this" in line 19 refers to
A. hot boning
B. hot boning following electrical stimulation
C. rigor mortis
D. removing edible muscle and fat prerigor
20. In line 4, the word "carcass" is closest in meaning to
A. deboned meat
B. body
C. refrigerator
D. fat
21. The word "considerable" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. frigid
B. kind
C. lesser
D. substantial
22. One reason it is recommended to remove bones before refriger ating is that
A. it makes the meat more tender
B. the bones are able to be used for other purposes
C. it increases chilling time
D. it saves cooling space by not refrigerating parts that will be discarded
23. The word "trimmable" in line 5 is nearest in meaning to
(1) unsaturated
(2) removable
(3) unhealthy
(4) chillable
Questions 24 through 31 are based on the following passage.
In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and
politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of traveling
some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours
Modul Reading Comprehension 15