Page 2 - 7. Chapter VII_Comparing Things
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               COMPARING THINGS


               Penggunaan  bahasa  dalam  komunikasi  sehari  hari  memerlukan  keterampilan  penguasaan

               kosakata yang beragam untuk menjelaskan realitas yang hendak diungkapkan lewat bahasa.
               Salah satunya jika seseorang hendak menilai atau membandingkan sesuatu dengan sesuatu

               yang lainnya. Untuk itu, diperlukan ragam adjective dan adverb beserta perubahannya dengan
               Degree of Comparison untuk mendukung kalimat yang hendak digunakan dalam komunikasi


               Kegiatan Belajar

               1.  Reading and Vocabulary

                                            Education is the key to better jobs

                          Few issues are more critical than putting Americans back to work. With the economy

                  adding private-sector jobs for the last 30 consecutive months and the unemployment rate
                  continuing to tick down, another concern has begun to dominate the discussion. Is it enough

                  to find a job, or should we be more focused on the quality of that job? For those Americans

                  who have been displaced in the workforce, what are their prospects of finding comparable
                  employment in  the 21st century, post-recession economy? After  all, having  a job—any

                  job—does not guarantee a wage that will support a family. How, then, can we foster an

                  economy that produces quality, high-paying jobs?

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