Page 2 - 2. Chapter II_How to Make Something
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Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang paling sering dan mudah untuk digunakan. Bahasa dapat
digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah untuk membuat atau melakukan sesuatu
secara tepat. Melalui bab ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan cara untuk melakukan
sesuatu secara tepat, berupa runtutan langkah demi langkah, sehingga tercapai tujuan yang
Kegiatan Belajar
1. Reading and Vocabulary
How to Make Fried Rice
When we are talking about fried rice, surely most of you are familiar with this one food,
or even you are one of fans of fried rice. The processing, which is fairly simple and tastes
delicious, are some of the things that make fried rice's fame unquestionable. Because of the
popularity of fried rice, not infrequently the procedure for serving or cooking fried rice is
often used as an ingredient in writing English procedural texts. Let’s we making a fried rice,
First of all, you have to preparing the ingredients that we need. One plate of cooked
rice. Two eggs. One teaspoon of salt. Two medium onions, chopped. One cloves of garlic,
chopped. One tablespoon of tomato sauce. One tablespoon of vegetable oil. And don’t forget
to chili (powder or ground chili adjust by your own level).
12 Chapter II – How to Make Something