Page 17 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 17

      Living Safe                                                            Sound, after their john boat overturned in 40       If a person does get in trouble in the
                                                                             knot winds. That evening, the winds went   water, there are some things that you must
      A double-edged                                                         from flat calm to 40 knots instantly.   do. You need to throw something to them,
                                                                                  The number one cause of child drowning
                                                                                                                preferably something that you can tow them
      sword                                                                  is a lack of parental supervision. Being   in with. You only go to them as a last resort
                                                                                                                and you must be a strong swimmer, if you
                                                                             distracted for a split second is enough
                                                                                                                attempt to rescue someone. If the person
                                                                             time for a young child to fall into a pool
      By Pete Hypes                                                          and drown. Cell phones have become the   goes down, it is important to call 9-1-1, as
                                                                             greatest distracter of us all. If you have   quickly as possible. It is also important to
               ith temperatures hovering around   or swimmers can be life threatening to you   children and you are going to the pool, then   know the last seen point. These things will
               the 100-degree mark, water   and others. Diving injuries can occur to   your children must take priority over your   be important to a quick recovery/rescue,
      Wactivities are most appealing. A   sober and intoxicated people alike. A dive   phone. Let me say this, the lifeguard is not   by a fire department dive team. As stated
      pool, a pond, the river, the ocean or a water   injury can cause an irreparable neck or   your child’s babysitter. Drownings are tragic   previously, it is imperative that you do
      park are the best solutions for beating the   spinal injury, and can be fatal. I have told   and preventable. Watch your children every   everything possible to prevent this from
      heat. The problem is that the water draws all   you about one of the worst cases that I ever   single moment.   occurring. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
      types of people, namely swimmers and non-  ran. We were dispatched, at 4:30 AM, for
      swimmers. Vacations are in full swing, with   a possible drowning. In the end, we found
      people flocking to the beaches. The point   that a person that had been partying with   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
                                          friends, dove into the shallow end of the
      of this article is to remind you about water   pool. Despite our best efforts and the fact  got storm damage?got storm damage?
      safety, hopefully getting you to the end of                                     REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
      the summer, without a water emergency.  that there were three paramedics on the   We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
           If you cannot swim, then you need to   engine that night, the person succumbed to   CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                       ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
      put on a life jacket or other flotation device,   their injuries.           Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                    Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
      when in water that is over your head. Okay,        Boater safety is vital to people having a
      I have said it. Most people will not put on a   good time and returning to the dock safely.   • Locally owned & operated
      life jacket, whether swimming or in a boat.   The news recently reported a drowning   • Highest quality materials
      The problem is that no one is prepared for a   at the dock. A person, on the boat, fell in   • Exterior remodeling services
      drowning. Don’t get me wrong, places that   and could not swim. It does not only occur   • Fast, reliable service
      provide lifeguards have them to prevent a   in the middle of the lake, or even in the   • Fully licensed & insured
      drowning. What about you? How well can   deepest water. Life jackets and throwables
      you swim? How well can your children   are required on all boats. There must be                                804-520-9791
                                                                                                                      Free Estimates • No Obligation
      swim? If you plan to spend time around   enough life jackets for each person on the                           Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
      the water, then you may want to consider   boat and they must be appropriate to the                              Locally Owned & Operated
      swimming lessons.                   size of each person. It is important that                      
           Drinking alcohol and water activities do   boaters have an idea of what the weather   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
      not mix. Whether swimming or boating,   might do. Storms come up quickly. I dealt
      consumption of alcohol by boat operators   with two men that drowned in the Pamlico


      Ansay, Mr. William A. “Wild Bill,” 84, of Chester, an Army veteran, husband of Faith E.
      Beasley, Mr. Robert Lyons, 70, of Chesterfield, husband of Mary Kay Beasley.               A Division of Central Virginia Dental Care
      Burnette, Mr. Samuel “Pee-Wee” Wayne Sr., 83, of Chesterfield, an Army veteran, widower
      of Nancy G. Burnette.
      Dalton, Mr. Aaron D., 88, of North Chesterfield, a Navy veteran who served in the Korean
      War, husband of Nancy Dalton.
      Dudas, Mrs. Betty Lou “Nana/Nina” Nelson, 76, of Chesterfield, wife of Robert John Dudas.
      Gentry, Ms. Phyllis Estelle, 92, of Chesterfield.
      Girten, Mrs. Brenda Stout, 74, of North Chesterfield, wife of Ralph Girten.
      Gunter, Mr. Joshua David, 34, of Chesterfield.
      Hancock, Mrs. Gladys Rebecca “Becky” Lowery, 92, of Chesterfield, widow of David Olney
      Higgins, Mr. J. Clyde, 90, of Chesterfield, served in the Army during World War II, widower
      of Lucille Higgins.
      Hiltz, Mrs. Antoinette “Nettie/Toni/Boo Boo” Cecile Joan Bliley, 72, of Chesterfield, wife of
      Louis Hiltz.                                                           GREAT SMILES START HERE
      Houston, Mr. Lemuel Wilmer “Chip” Jr., 79, of Chesterfield, a Marine Corps veteran and a
      retired lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, husband of Susan McCulley Houston.
      Johnson, Mrs. Sharon Lynn, 55, of Chesterfield, wife of Leslie W. Johnson III.          GET ACQUAINTED OFFER
      Lee, Mr. Wilbert Jr., 75, of Chesterfield, lifelong companion of Sylvia Couch.  Complete exam, necessary X-rays, intra oral photos, cancer
      Lynch, Mr. Robert “Bobby” Henry Jr., 81, of North Chesterfield, husband of Marie Shepard   screening, periodontal screening, and consultation for  99
      Lynch.                                                                                            (regular fee is  199.)
      Mezynski, Mrs. Regina S. Murawski, 86, of Chesterfield, widow of Adolf Mezynski.          Call for an appointment today.
      Peilecke, Mr. James C., 71, of Chesterfield, husband of Carolyn Peilecke.
      Pennell, Mr. Joseph Elliott, 92, of Chesterfield, a World War II Army veteran, widower of    717-2099
      Carol White Pennell.
      Stokes, Ms. Kristin Lindsey, 31, of Chesterfield.                                       10611 GREENYARD WAY
                                                                                 (IRONBRIDGE ROAD ACROSS FROM CHESTERFIELD MEADOWS AND BY THE NEW KROGER’S MARKETPLACE)
      Surma, Mr. John Joseph Jr., 93, of North Chesterfield, a Navy veteran, widower of Audrey
      Britton Surma.
      Tilghman, Mr. Billy F., 78, of Powhatan, formerly of Chesterfield.                                                         JULY 26, 2017  9
      Yancey, Mrs. Raye Williams, 89, of Chesterfield, widow of Roy Lee Yancey.
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