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        Without her...

        Continued from page 1              projected to cost upwards of $12      “They said they had a Cultural   me off my socks. I didn’t want this
        helping to keep her legacy alive.”  million and it will be located on   Arts Foundation Board meeting   kind of recognition.”
             Matthews has been working
                                                                                                                    To learn more about Matthew’s
        toward the upcoming spring         county property adjacent to the   without her,” she said.  “My first   dream and the board’s mission and
                                           existing library in the Chester
                                                                             response was ‘Oh good you finally
        groundbreaking since her dream     Village Green development. The    decided to let me don’t need   plans visit the art center website at
        became official as part of the     County will pay a portion of the   me anymore.’” But when they told and follow the
        Chester plan (part of Chesterfield   building cost from funds procured   her the board had voted to name the   art center’s Facebook page to keep up
        County Comprehensive Plan) in      from the 2004 bond referendum     lobby after her she said, “It knocked   to date with the art center’s progress.
        2004.                              and private donations will provide
             The plan states; “Chester is a
        healthy, walkable community with   several million more to cover the   The #MeToo Movement
                                           remaining construction costs and to
        a charming, identifiable core where   help establish an operations fund.
        residents and visitors are drawn to   But in a huge project like the arts
        the amenities found there, including   center, more funding is always    Points of View; Community      “We post some questions on a board to get
        a magnificent, well-used library and   needed, and the foundation is always   Conversations is an event that takes   the conversation going,” he said.
        community arts center. The historic   looking for more donations. The   place each month at the Meadowdale   The #MeToo movement has spread
        villages of Chester and Centralia are                                Library. The program involves exploring   like wildfire across the country as attested
        preserved and enhanced and attract   center will be owned and maintained  ideas while hearing others’ opinions   to by Oprah Winfrey during her speech at
                                                                                                                the Golden Globes.
                                                                             and appreciating the diversity of the
                                           by Chesterfield County and leased
        residents and visitors.”           to the foundation under a long-term   community. A series of anonymous-  You’ve probably seen the quote
            In work sessions that create                                     community conversations is underway to   by Jackson Katz making its rounds on
        public documents such as the       agreement.                        explore current issues.            Facebook and Twitter:
                                              “I’m pleased that after all her
        Chester Plan, residents gather and   work over all these years, that arts   According to library director James   “We talk about how many women
        give input as to what they think is   center will be built and Betty will                 Hudson, the   were raped last year, not how many men            Chester Muff  er & Brake Shop
        important to their community. At   be honored in a way she would                          January topic   raped women. We talk about how many
        those sessions, Matthews made sure   more than appreciate,” said local                    is the #MeToo   girls in a school district were harassed last
        to get the art center on list of wants   real estate agent Jim Daniels. “The              movement,     year, not about how many boys harassed
        for the area plan.                 wheels of government turn slow.”                       a hot topic   girls. We talk about how many teenage
            She also made sure the arts                                                           involving recent  girls in the state of Vermont got pregnant
                                              Matthews learned of the honor
        center was among the mission and   when she was invited to lunch                          allegations of   last year, rather than how many boys and
                                                                                                  harassing of
                                                                                                                men impregnated teenage girls…Even
        goals of the Chester Community     by Cline, and meeting up with                          women.        the term ‘violence against women’ is
        Association when it was formed in   foundation members Sam West and                          Hudson     problematic…It’s a bad thing that happens
        2000. Matthews formed a committee   George Emerson at the Halfway                         said he got the   to women, but when you look at that term,
        in that group, which soon after    House.                                                 idea for the   ‘violence against women,’ nobody is doing
        became the                                                            JAMES HUDSON        discussion from  it to them. It just happens to them…Men
        Chester Center                                                                            TED Talks     aren’t even said to be a part of it.”
        for the Arts non-                                                    and Valentine lectures. “There are many   The Points of View: #MeToo
        profit.                                                              perspectives on a topic like this, and the   Movement event will take place
            Now, after a                                                     library is a safe place where they [people]   January 23, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the
        20-year bumpy                                                        can express themselves,” Hudson said.   Meadowdale Library Meeting Room.
        ride of going
        in and out,
        Matthews has                                                                 Your Community, Your Neighbors, Your News
        held the Baxter
        Center for the                                                               Village      News
        Arts together.
        20,000-plus-                                                                Chesterfield’s best COMMUNITY NEWS source since 1998
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