Page 1 - January 10, 2018
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JANUARY 10, 2018 XX NO.20

                    Village      News


       Do we recycle or upcycle?


          Beginning a new year allows one to   like Etsy and ArtFire, which offer
       start new habits.  One habit consumers   an abundance of upcycled goods.
       are doing more of due to the convenience reports, “The number
       of curbside pickup is recycling. Though   of products on Etsy tagged with the
       not a new concept, recycling has been   word “upcycled” rocketed up from about
       around for hundreds if not thousands of   7,900 in January 2010 to nearly 30,000 a
       years. It was in the early 70s when one   year later – an increase of 275 percent.”
       woman started with the idea of towing a   Locally upcycling has been popular
       “recycling” trailer behind a garbage truck   with local businesses like Timeless
       to collect trash and recyclable items at the   Treasures providing furniture made new
       same time. Our community is provided   again with repairs and paint and spaces
       curbside collections by TFC Recycling.   for local artists to sell their upcycle
       They have been in the recycling business   products. Leslie Rush offers hand-
       since 1977.                        stamped flatware turned into bookmarks,
          Consumers are becoming more     jewelry, and keychains as well as
       aware of waste and are embracing the   personalized reuseable flatware in one of
       ingenuity of people creating new stuff   the spaces.
       from old or otherwise – upcycling.  It   Three local sisters, Marie, 19;
       too is not a new concept.  Henry Ford   Juliana, 16; and Alex, 15; caught this
       is said to have use crates that machine   reporter’s eye at  “A Taste of Art” at
       parts arrived in as floor mats for his   Chester Library last month. They were
       T-Models.                          selling holiday and everyday items by
          According to an entrepreneur.   reusing and re-purposing everyday items
       com article from 2011, “Upcycling’s   that I throw into the trash every day.
       resurgence in the business world can   “We have been crafting since we
       be traced to the 2002 publication of   were young,” said Marie Anger. “We   PHOTOGRAPHED DURING THE A TASTE OF ART EVENT AT THE CHESTER LIBRARY
       “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way   started reusing and re-purposing old and   FROM RIGHT; MARIE, JULIANA, AND ALEX ANGER ENJOY REUSING AND RE-PURPOS-
       We Make Things,” a book (printed on a   discarded items because we could not   ING OLD AND DISCARDED ITEMS INTO SOMETHING NEW.
       synthetic paper made from plastic resins   afford normal craft supplies at the time.
       and inorganic fillers) by architect-and-  Now we can afford craft supplies and
       chemist duo William McDonough and   we create items using store bought and
       Michael Braungart proposing the idea   discarded materials.”
       that manufacturers were practicing a   They first started making doll
       “cradle-to-grave” production approach,   clothes at a very young age. They looked
       which recycling just wasn’t good enough   at catalogs that had doll clothes and
       to counteract.”                    accessories and made their own using
          As an example, Ace recycling at   their old baby clothes.
       the Substainablity Park in Enon recycles   Julianna continues to make doll
       construction debris to avoid being in   clothes for the Barbie line and has her
       the landfill. Newspapers are recycled   own website with photos of her creations
       to make more newspapers, plastics are   at  MARIE MAKES PAPER FROM PAPER
       recycled to make carpet, more and more   One of Marie’s favorite items she has   SCRAPS.
       businesses are finding ways to reuse   made is a two story doll house that had   bags were used as siding. Juliana’s favorite
       their waste.                       a roof covered in individual cardboard   item is a quilted purse made out of old bed
          It is clear artists and craftsmen are   shingles. The structure was made out of   linens. For Alex, it is a plush dragon made
       upcycling more each year selling their   cardboard boxes, the windows were old   out of fabric and foam scraps that were left   JULIANA MAKES BARBIE DOLL CLOTHES
       remakes at online artist marketplaces   plastic packaging, and paper shopping   over from previous projects.  FROM DISCARDED FABRIC.
                                                                                                                             Read more on page 3

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