Page 9 - January 10, 2018
P. 9
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       Living Safe
       A scary moment                                                        Make sure your kids know what to

                                                                             do if they hear the smoke detector.
        By Guest Author Capt. Joe Harvey                                     My son had been taught what to
                                                                             do, but today he was playing the
                e had a scary event happen   monthly and change batteries when   PlayStation he got for Christmas and
                today at our house. We had   you change your clocks, unless you   was so involved with that, he made no
       Wa small fire on the stovetop.  have new detectors with a 10-year     attempt to advise us that the smoke
       A Christmas pie had been placed on   battery.                         detector was going off. This we will
       the cook top and I think I leaned into   4. This one is a little embarrassing.   address tonight.
       the controls and                                                           With all of this said, fires can   Help And Hope For Those In Need
       did not know                                                          happen to anyone, anyplace at any
       that I had turned                                                     time. Please make sure your family is
       them on. We then                                                      prepared.
       went outside for
                                                                                got storm damage?
       a few minutes                                                          SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       and came back                                                            got storm damage?
       in to the smoke                                                                 REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
       detectors going                                                              We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
       off and a fire on                                                                     CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                       ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       top of the stove.                                                           Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                     Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
       This can happen
       to anyone, I have                                                       • Locally owned & operated
       investigated this                                                       • Highest quality materials
       exact fire dozens                                                       • Exterior remodeling services
       of times.                                                               • Fast, reliable service
                                                                               • Fully licensed & insured
       Lesson Learned:
                                                                                                                       Free Estimates • No Obligation
       1. Never leave                                                                                                Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
       anything on the                                                                                                  Locally Owned & Operated
       top of the stove.                                                                                  
       2. Pay attention                                                         Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
       to the controls
       and know how
       they work and
       be aware when
       you are around
       the stovetop.
       3. Check your
       smoke detectors


       BELVIN, Mr. Robert Gene Sr., 84, of Chester, husband of Virginia Kay Belvin.
       CHERNY, Mr. Darrell Clarence, 68, of Chester, husband of Sandra K. Cherny.
       CRAFTS, Mrs. Shirley Diann, 67, of Matoaca, wife of Robert Crafts.
       DORTON, Mr. Michael Creed, 79, of Chesterfield, a U.S. Air Force veteran, husband
       of Patricia Dorton.
       DRESSLER, Mrs. Frances Clodfelter, 80, of Chesterfield, husband of Virgil Dressler.
       FUSS, Mrs. Lynn Baughman, 68, of Chesterfield, an Air Force veteran, wife of
       Gerald F. Fuss.
       GIBSON, Miss Cheryl Diane, 71, of North Chesterfield, fiancee of Robert Garrett.
       HOLDREN, Miss Patricia Irene, 73, of Chesterfield.
       KNIGHT, Mrs. Mary Lee, 87, of Chesterfield,  widow of William “Bill’ Knight.
       LECHNER, Mr. George B., 88, of Chesterfield, a U.S. Navy veteran, widower of Anne
       Respess Lechner and husband of Toy Douglas.
       LOWE, Mr. Michael Eldridge, 59, of Chesterfield, husband of Shirley Swinson Lowe.
       MAYS, Mr. Raymond Carter, 99, of Chesterfield, husband of Arlene Mae Mays.
       MISER, Mr. Donald Samuel, 67, of Chester.
       NESGODA, Mr. Jeffery Grant, 60, of Chesterfield, husband of Brenda Nesgoda.
       WILSON, Mrs. Mary Ella Staples, 90, of Chester, widow of Elree O. Wilson.
       ZEITERS, Mrs. Bonnie M., 64, of Chester, wife of Dennis Zeiters.

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