Page 30 - annual report 2023
P. 30

Team, Board                            Team
and Advisory
Committee                              Alona Vinograd, CEO
                                       Eyal Abrahami, Editor-in-Chief
“It is also critical that we support
a vibrant Israeli press already in     Fadi Amun, Investigative Reporter and
the business of collecting the         Photographer
facts that rebut misinformation        Ayelet Benny, Office Manager
with accurate reporting informed       Uri Blau, Investigative Reporter and
by experience, expertise and           Director of Global Investigative Projects
understanding of historical context.”  Milan Czerny, Investigative Reporter
                                       Daniel Dolev, Investigative Reporter
Alona Vinograd, CEO, Shomrim           Dita Kohl-Roman, Director of Resource
                                       Ayelet Kroizer, Investigative Reporter
                                       Michael (Miki) Levi, Head of Data Analyst
                                       Shuki Sadeh, Investigative Reporter
                                       Ron Schwartz, Deputy Editor and Head of
                                       Doron Sela, Deputy CEO
                                       Chen Shalita, Investigative Reporter
                                       Roni Singer, Investigative Reporter
                                       Noam Tamari, Graphics Designer

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