Page 5 - New Era Magazine Publishing Issue 6
P. 5


    Through hard times comes Great
  Success, and that's what Kev'vion had
       become through his lifetime.       who never gave up and always kept him
   He always wanted to make a positive    focused on the bigger picture and those
  movement. In 2018 he started His own       who never told him that it wasn't
    black-owned company, "known" as        possible. Kev'vion Schrubb was a very        N O   O N E
   "NOLOVE CLOTHING that took his          giving person who had a heart of gold.
   career to the next level. Many of his  Sadly Kev'vion life was taken from him        L E A R N S
 family and friends supported him all the  so soon. He had the tightest bond with
  way. His clothing brand reached from                                                  O U R
   city to city with different styles and   his siblings and was a true protector
  designs and was on a roll to making a    and nurturer. Mom describes him as a         V I S I O N
  new creation for his clothing line. The  young man with an old soul. His family
   late entrepreneur has always kept a      was everything to him. The love and
    positive attitude and was a loving     bond they all share is like no other the     E A S I L Y
     person inside and out. But what           memories will consistently be
   motivated him more was the people        embedded into theirs hearts forever.
    who believed in him from day one       With his family Being so strong, they
                                            will continue his legacy and keep his
                                                        name alive.

                                          It's Never Good Bye But See You Soon.

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