Page 28 - KCRPCA-JanFeb2017R1
P. 28

Stan Thorne
of that time updating the website from unknown parts in Afghanistan. Now that is dedication! Let’s hear a few words from Jim.
DS: Jim, Thanks for the being the Web Meister for the past six years. We’re sorry to see you go. Why are you leaving the position?
JC: It’s been a real privilege to work with the club and all of the people in it. I’ve had a good time and enjoyed every minute of my involvement. To be honest, I’m just swamped right now and can’t devote the time or energy the club deserves to the web site.
Reardon was doing double duty at the time, serving as the Club President and Web Meister, and had just  nished pulling off our 50th anniversary extravaganza. I had some exposure to designing websites and had a modicum of experience with html, and I saw that the site was struggling. I think that I just approached Sean at a function and let him know that I was available to help. The next day he delivered two stacks of backup CDs and all of the passwords I could ever need.
DS: Can you describe how the web site has evolved during your tenure as Web Meister?
JC: Sure. When I took over in 2010, the site was built using early 2000s technology and structure. That is, it was text-intensive and extremely hierarchical. It must have taken me a couple of months to get comfortable working with it. The site was fundamentally sound, but you could see that it was only a matter of time before it needed to be modernized.
DS: Is it true that you maintained the site from Afghanistan?
JC: Yeah, strange but true. Archaic website, slow and intermittent internet, non-functioning computer mouse. . . . Maybe that’s why I’m backing off now -- it’s too easy . . . .
DS: How will you feel when the
A Thank You and an Introduction
special thank you needs to be DS: How did you get the job of said to our former webmaster Jim managing our website?
Cummings. He has dedicated
six years of his time to the club, some JC: I don’t really remember. Sean
Is it true that you maintained the site from Afghanistan?
Jim Cummings
January / February 2017

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