Page 8 - KCRPCA MarApr2017
P. 8

March / April 2017
Stan Thorne
of day when soft gusts of warm air blow across your skin and feathers of white clouds linger in the sky, reminding you of what warm weather feels like after the chills of winter. Yes, Friday was the kind of day Ferris Bueller would love. And I had a Porsche waiting for me at home. Sometimes an of ce with a view is a bad thing. Especially when what’s happening in here surely is not as fun as what could be happening out there. The clock on the wall seemed to be pounding an exclamation point on that thought with each tick-TOCK!
Soon I was pulling into my driveway, closing one garage door and opening another. I love the grumble my X-pipe gives when I wake my 996tt up. My car starts as if it were ready for a  ght. It’s anger is not subdued until I have burbled and rumbled most of the way out my neighborhood. My neighbors love me, I’m sure.
A Fine Spring Day
pring is not here yet, but no one told meeting that afternoon. More of a stop Mother Nature last week. Friday, in by and pick up than a full meeting. I love particular, was gorgeous. The kind it when a plan comes together.
Luckily for me, I had a short client
I needed to get away to open roads and fewer cars. South. I needed to go south. And with the windows down, the exhaust echoing across rolling Kansas wheat  elds, south I went.
It is amazing how the miles can translate in to countryside farm sightings. What that countryside lost in curvy, twisty roads, it was given in open spaces where you can see clear into the next county. How long did I drive? Eight farms as the crow  ies.
As the crow  ies; that gave me an idea. Getting back onto 169 Hwy, I headed north; north toward civilization, but not quite.
Just outside of Paola, but not quite to Olathe, is the hidden oasis that is Red Crow Brewing. Any good drive needs to end at a good destination. Red Crow would be mine.
It is amazing how a long drive can clear the head and a cold drink can warm the heart. I think I need to make another sales call next Friday. Want to join me?
- Stan

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