Page 8 - KCRPCA May June 2018
P. 8

 Stan Thorne
My father had several cars tucked in his garage. The problem started when he would ask us to move one. “Which one?” we would holler back. Colors rarely worked so we started naming them. I have fond memories of Snowball, a big white 300 SEL. There was Goldie, an ‘84 911 SC with metallic gold paint and chocolate leather interior, and who can forget The Horrorizon. It was a mid ‘70s Plymouth horror story of things not working. There were many others, but I think you get my point. We name our cars as they are part of our family. Remember that, family.
Fast forward to today, I keep the tradition alive with Red Racer an ‘88 944 Turbo, Blue Bullet the ‘00 996, and now a 2001 996 Turbo.
In addition to naming cars when I was young, we took many a road trip in them, sometimes for trips and sometimes for fun. I fondly remember Saturday afternoon drives with my dad along some of the rolling Missouri hills south of our home. Now thinking about it, we did usually stop by the car wash to clean the car. Maybe there was a destination and we just took the long long way to get there. But I digress.
Point being I was brought up to enjoy the car, whichever one it was, for its personality and uniqueness. Saab-rina had a wonderful whoosh to her turbo and the Wrangler’s open air driving, topless
Now for some ice cream. There is a funny saying; you know you’re a car guy when - you’d rather spill your morning coffee on your new tie than on your leather seat. I would usually put myself with that group. I like my cars clean, but I like getting them dirty better. Getting them dirty means you are enjoying your car. You are doing what they were meant for, to be driven. We as Porsche fans just happen to love a brand that excels at being driven.
So when my little girl tugs at my shirt tail and asks, “daddy can we go get ice cream?” I almost always say yes. And when they ask if we can take The Ghost, I ALWAYS say yes. I do take lots of napkins though.
- Stan
Can We Go Get Ice Cream...
ce cream? In a Ghost? In my house and with out doors was always fun. You that makes a lot more sense than you know maybe we did not have name for the would think. Let me explain... Jeep. (I’ll have to rethink that).
May / Jun 2018

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