Page 50 - KCRPCA MayJune 2020
P. 50
Jim Cummings
One of the first things I noticed was that I was responsible for
the official Club Seal. When
I couldn’t find it, I asked Dick Seltzer, the previous treasurer, of its whereabouts. When he didn’t know what I was talking about,
I asked his predecessors if they knew where it was, and neither had a clue. As their experience dates back to the early 2000s (at least),
I realized that the By-Laws were probably due for some changes.
When I became the Region Treasurer, one of the first things I did was review the Region By-Laws to see what I had gotten myself into.
Mike Lemoine, the Club Secretary, will post the proposed changes on the website in June and they will be voted upon during our Annual Meeting in August. The eleven proposed changes will be presented in the following format:
Proposal #. Article and Section Number
Change: The original wording of the Section
To: The proposed wording of the Section
Rationale: Why this change is necessary
Additionally, a WORD version of the document showing the changes will be posted along with a clean version that assumes all proposals will be accepted by the membership.
Some of the major proposed changes are:
Add that the Club will engage
Der Sportwagen
I talked with our current President, T. Jones, and the Past President, Stan Thorne, and both agreed that the By-Laws needed some attention and were happy that I volunteered to review them and recommend changes.