Page 30 - December
P. 30
Metalloinvest integrates Sawdust was used
wearable devices into its
After two years of joint
maintenance and repair system research, scientists from the
Physics Department of ChelSU
and their colleagues from the
Central Southern University
of China announced the
development of a technology
for producing iron with the
addition of wood waste. The
scientific project was funded
by the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research.
A pilot project was launched at the Mikhailovsky Mining and
Processing Plant (part of Metalloinvest) to assess the prospects
for using wearable devices to improve the efficiency of the
maintenance and repair system. Workers of several teams wear
smart watches on both hands during the working day. They allow to
record vital signs and obtain data on the physical activity
of employees.
This is a revolutionary method of smelting non-uniform distribution of components. For
The collected information is compared with video steel and iron, which can be tested on an industrial the optimal course of chemical reactions, it
recordings of the work performed. This is how the system scale at one of the largest enterprises interested is necessary to implement uniform heating
is trained, as a result of which it will also be able to quite in improving the environmental situation in from the center to the edges - there should
accurately determine what kind of work the repair team production. The scientific team of ChelSU under be more iron ore in the core, and more
is performing at the moment. the leadership of Associate Professor of the biochar on the surface.
Department of Radiophysics and Electronics Anton As a result, a technology was
Anzulevich and a group of professors from the calculated for the reduction of iron from
In the open space of the mine, "The creation of a single digital
preventive maintenance teams carry out ecosystem at Metalloinvest has opened city of Changsha, headed by Peng Zhiwei, have ore with the addition of wood waste (lignin
developed a method to reduce the cost of metal - Ed.), which makes it possible to achieve
testing of devices. In an enclosed space - at a the way for the search, development and smelting, which allows improving the quality of a more efficient and cleaner course of the
pelletizing plant - teams of equipment repair implementation of new solutions in various the final product and reducing emissions. reduction process.
management participate in the experiment. areas of the company's activities," said Yulia "Iron is rarely found in nature in its pure form, Lignin can partially or completely
Shutkina, Director of Digital Transformation
The weight of the "watch" is small, at Metalloinvest Management Company. "The for example, it is a part of iron-nickel meteorites," replace coal and coke used by metallurgists
"Due to its high carbon content
explained the project manager Anton Anzulevich.
the straps are rubberized, and the case technology undergoing testing today has yet to "We investigated a method for obtaining pure iron and small amount of impurities, as well
itself is shockproof and waterproof. A special prove its effectiveness. However, it is already from ore, which for this must be mixed with a as good reactivity, lignin can partially or
wristband is put on top of them. This ensures obvious that digital is becoming the basis for an reducing agent and heated. During microwave completely replace the coal and coke used
compliance with the rules of labor protection increasing number of processes and is capable heating, radiation practically does not penetrate by metallurgists today," says Anzulevich.
and industrial safety, guarantees against the of bringing practical benefits in various fields of into such a mixture, so it must also be "diluted". In "Our research proposes a new method of
risk of snagging during operation and reliably application." our work, for these purposes, we used a material producing high-quality metallized pellets
protects the device itself.
Compliance with labor protection based on wood waste, thermally treated without for steelmaking after self-healing under the
The pilot project will last about 2 requirements and ensuring industrial safety oxygen - biochar. Its use is more environmentally influence of microwave iron ore composite
friendly and safe compared to coal."
months. It is planned that the system will at production facilities are the top priorities From iron ore and biochar, researchers granules with lignin." have mainly
improve safety and reduce the likelihood of of Metalloinvest's activities. The Company's made special granules and, by subjecting them conducted experimental research. A strong
emergencies, help assess the effectiveness of aim is to eradicate completely industrial to microwave radiation, they obtained pure theoretical base is concentrated at ChelSU,
work and the optimal allocation of resources, accidents. The way to achieve this goal iron. After simulating heating and the effect of so here they were engaged in calculations,
and identify the potential for increasing labor lies through adherence to world standards electromagnetic waves on the granules, it became as well as X-ray and structural analysis of
efficiency. and the application of best practices in the clear that to achieve the effect, they must have a granule samples.
field of labor protection, strengthening the
Upon completion of the project and culture of industrial safety, and the conscious
summing up its results, a decision will be made responsibility of each employee. Rossiyskaya Gazeta
to extend this practice to other Metalloinvest Text: Mikhail Pinkus (Chelyabinsk region)
enterprises. Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Special Issue No. 252 (8306)
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