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Advanced  solutions  and  world  practices  in  the  field  of  welding                                                  The central event of the Russian Industrial Week was the 18th international exhibition
        equipment, materials and technologies for welding and cutting metals were                                                Lesdrevmash-2020 Machinery, Equipment and Technologies for the Logging, Woodworking and
        demonstrated in action within the framework of the new exhibition project                                                Furniture Industry.
        of Expocentre - Rusweld 2020.

                                     Nikolay Alyoshin, President of the National Welding
                                    Control Agency, Academician of the Russian Academy                                                                                         More  than  100  exhibitors from  Austria,  Germany,
                                    of Sciences:                                                                                                                        Denmark, Spain, Italy, China, Russia, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden
                                         "Today  we  have  technologies  in  Russia  that  are  not  available  in                                                      introduced the best technologies for logging, woodworking and
                                           countries  that  have  strong  positions  in  the  welding  market.  For                                                     furniture production. The high level of technical equipment of
                                            example, our patented laser welding with wire feed - currently                                                              the complex, as well as special conditions for the participants              "Lesdrevmash-2020"
                                             no  one  in  the  world  has  such  a  technology.  In  the  market  of                                                    for  unloading and  loading equipment  made  it possible to
                                             additive technologies, which is more than $ 8 billion, the United                                                          demonstrate the machines presented at the stands in operation.
                                              States  is  still  the  leader,  however,  we  also  have  something                                                      Lesdrevmash-2020  gathered  5230  industry  professionals
                                              to show: we were the first to create an aircraft engine based                                                             and  demonstrated  the  best  achievements  and  trends  in  the
        entirely on additive technologies. I would like to note that at the next exhibition we will present                                                             development of the Russian timber industry.
  Rusweld 2020
  Rusweld 2020
        to our invited foreign colleagues the achievements of domestic welding production and welding                                                                          Exhibitors include  Felder,  Koimpex,  Moldow,  Mühlbock-
        science in all their glory                                                                                                                                      Vanicek,  Ponsse,  Festool,  Polytechnik,  Leitz,  Ambitech,
                                                                                                                                                                        Grigio Center,  Zagedoktor,  Kami,  Kovrovskiye  Kotly,  Ledinek
                                                                                                                                                                        Engineering,  Liga,  LTT,  MDM-Techno,  Nevskie  tekhnologii-
               ESAB Managing Director Dmitry Kuraksa:                                                                                                                   engineering and others.
               "We are sincerely glad that another serious platform has appeared, on                                                                                           This year,  the  Japanese  Woodworking  Equipment
        the basis of which all companies that are engaged in welding technologies,                                                                                      Manufacturers  Association  (JWMA),  together  with equipment
        production  of  welding  materials  and  equipment,  digitalization  and                                                                                        manufacturers  and  the  Japanese  Association  for  Trade  with
        robotization  of  welding  processes,  had  an  opportunity  within  the                                                                                        Russia and the Newly Independent States for the Russian Market
        framework of round tables, open tables and other business events taking                                                                                         (ROTOBO), have become a partner of the Lesdrevmash-2020
        place within the framework of the exhibition, to discuss topical issues,                                                                                        exhibition. Specialists  interested  in purchasing  Japanese
        find optimal solutions and build a vector for its further development."                                                                                         woodworking equipment  can  familiarize themselves with  the
                                                                                                                                                                        products and services of 16 Japanese manufacturing companies
               More than 30 companies demonstrated  presented an extensive business program.                                                                            on a website specially created for companies from Russia.
        their    interesting     solutions     and     skills,          A  special ESAB  demo  track  presented                                                                The Italian manufacturer Biesse also became a partner
        including ESAB  LLC -  a  strategic  partner  welding consumables and new equipment. The                                                                        of  the exhibition. Bisesse  is a  specialist in the  professional
        of  the  exhibition,  Weber  Comekhaniks,  company's  specialists introduced  the  welding                                                                      woodworking segment,  a  supplier  of  high-precision  machine
        Vekprom,  Vector  Group,  Eurolux  Group,  technologies  and  features  of  different  welding                                                                  tools and solutions for professionals in the furniture industry
        Intertechpribor, Kontur, Rutech,  Polysoude  machines and materials, and gave the visitors                                                                      and the timber construction sector.
        SAS  (France,  Moscow branch),  Cebora-                 the  opportunity  to  verify  independently  their                                                             At the exhibition, the companies Amandus Kahl, Vollmer,
        Russia (Italy, Moscow region branch), Storm  qualities. With the support of ESAB, a number                                                                      Fagus Grecon, MÖhringer, Kündig, Stela, WEINIG presented the
        (Yekaterinburg) and others.                             of events of the business program were held.                                                            national exposition of Germany with the support of the Federal
               3,500      professionals       visited     the           The Rusweld 2020 exhibition was held with                                                       Ministry of Economics and Energy of Germany.
        exhibition to  address  the  challenges  facing  the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade                                                                     Thanks  to interaction  with regional  centers  for
        their business.                                         of the Russian Federation, the National Agency                                                          entrepreneurship  support,  companies  from the  Arkhangelsk,
               The subject of the exhibition included  for Welding Control (NAKS) - the key partner of                                                                  Bryansk, Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl regions and the Republic of
        the following industry components: welding  the exhibition, NPO TsNIITMASH JSC, under the                                                                       Karelia took part in the exhibition.
        equipment, welding technologies: industrial  patronage of the RF Chamber of Commerce and                                                                               For  specialists,  the  Lesdrevmash-2020  platform  has
        robots; equipment  and materials  for  metal  Industry.                                                                                                         become an opportunity to meet equipment suppliers and their
        cutting; tools and  personal  protective                                                                                                                        customers offline.
        equipment for welding.
               One  of  the  most  important  topics at
        Rusweld 2020  was  non-destructive  testing                                                                                     The exhibition "Lesdrevmash-2020" was held with the support of the European Federation
        of  the  working properties  and  parameters                                                                             of Woodworking Equipment Manufacturers EUMABOIS, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of
        of  welded joints and products  in order  to                                                                             the Russian Federation, the Association of Wooden Housing Construction, the Association of
        detect  defects.  The  Russian  Society  for                                     The  strategic partner  of              Organizations  and  Enterprises  of  the  Woodworking  Engineering  Industry  "Drevmash",  the
        Non-Destructive        Testing     and     Technical                             Rusweld  2020  is ESAB  LLC             Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises of Russia (AMDPR), under the
        Diagnostics announced at the exhibition the                                      - one of the world leaders in           patronage of Torgovo -industrial chamber of the Russian Federation.
        postponement  of  the NDT Territory  forum                                       the production of equipment
        within the framework of the Russian Industrial  and consumables for welding and cutting metals
        Week. RONKTD also took part in the Rusweld                                                                               The general information partner of the Lesdrevmash-2020 exhibition is LesPromInform magazine.
        2020 exhibition with a collective stand and

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