Page 6 - DES premium katalog 2021.indd
P. 6


               COMPONENTS                                                       SPECIFICATION
                                                                                Inox/Aisi 304 2mm + (ceramic wool
          1    Furnace material
                                                                                25mm + 1mm brushed stainless still)
          2    Furnace working temperature                                      ~ 110 °C
          3    Furnace working pressure                                         0.5 bar
          4    Heat source – electric heaters *2x6 kW(120-150L), 2x9kW (200 L)  8-18 kW/h
          5    Heat source - gas burner butane *optional 50/70kW                4.72 kg/h
          6    Heat source - gas burner natural gas *optional 50/70kW           6.5 cubic m/h
          7    Net Capacity                                                     120-150-200L

          8    Still material                                                   Cu DHP/ 2mm top, bottom & wall
          9    Still Cap – Alembic classic                                      Cu DHP / 2mm
         10    Connecting pipes                                                 AISI 304 /  Ø 40mm
         11    Cooling system                                                   AISI 304 /  Ø200mm
         12    Control unit / semi automatic handling                           Manual setup
         13    Vertical mixer / continuous  96 RPM                              0,37 kW
         14    CIP cleaning system                                              3 units

         15    Manufacturers guarantee *in accordance with terms and conditions  3 years
         16    Gin basket                                                       8 L optional

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                          975                                                      1704
                                                    C COPYRIGHT 2015  Tab. tolerancija  Opšte tolerancije (DIN ISO 2768-mK):  Količina:  Naziv projekta:  BUTTERCUP
                                                      DES DOO.      0,5 - 3  3 - 6  6 - 30  30 - 120  120 - 400  400-1000 1000-2000 2000-40004000-8000
                                                      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  Dim.  Toler.  ± 0,1  ± 0,1  ± 0,2  ± 0,3  ± 0,5  ± 0,8  ± 1,2  ± 2  ± 3  1  Gabaritna dimenzija:
                                                            6      Opšta zaobljenja:  0,5x45°
                                                                   Opšta zaobljenja: R 0,4
                                                                        Ime    Datum  Termička obrada:  Naziv:
                                                                   Konstrukt.  Daniel Sabo  28.7.2021  DWA 150L Gin E
                                                                   Kontrol.        Poviršinska obrada:
                                                   This drawing, model, intellectual
 F                                                 product belongs to DES Doo.   Primedba:       Designation:
                                                   Forwarding it to 3rd. party, copying
                                                   it or using for any other purpose   Material:  Broj crteža:
                                                   without the written approval of DES
                                                   Doo., could entail to legal and                2021150-34-000-000
                                                   criminal procedure!
        1              2              3       Ime dokumenta:                               Masa:  kg  Razmera:1:50  SHEET 1 OF 6  A3
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