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COMP 2152 – Assignment 1 – Winter 2022
● This is an individual assignment (complete the requirements on your own).
● Do not share the assignment requirements with any former or future students in COMP 2152. Do not
share this assignment requirements online in any format, anywhere.
● You may choose to complete all requirements or attempt to complete as much as possible.
● Credit will be awarded for requirements completed correctly and entirely with the portion of the
program functioning as requested. No partial marks will be awarded.
● You are allowed to make assumptions about application functionality not mentioned in the project idea
(which is more of a general guideline).
● At a minimum your project must display the functionality described for the idea selected. Any
functionality described that is not a part of your submission will result in grade penalties at the
discretion of the instructor.
- Submit Python files only. No other format is accepted.
- DO NOT submit zipped (compressed) files. Any compressed files will not be marked.
- Please make sure that as a comment you will type on top of your code the name of your Lab
e.g. #Lab Professor: Mr. Hesam Akbari OR #Lab Professor: Ms. Laily Ajellu
- Submit on Blackboard.
Please develop a Python application that meets the requirements described below:
Project Description:
Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees
when they buy items.
Discounts are based on the number of years worked (2% for each year, maximum 10%) as well
as if the employee is a manager (10% more discount on top of the worked year discount) or
hourly employee (2% discount). They are also allowed no discount once they have received $200
The program starts asking for the employee discount number to start purchasing. The employee
can purchase 1 item at a time. Do this until the user answers “NO” for “Another purchase?”.
Once all employees have been processed, display the All-Employee Summary and give the users
option to go back to Menu or Exit the program.
A workflow diagram is provided for each function to help students visualize the flow through the