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                               Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

          Issue No. 64                                 Free Copy                                  November, 2020

                         CELEBRATING A LADY ENTREPRENEUR

                Gifts Kyortaare Company Ltd.

       Food Processing, Events Management

                             & General Supplies

                                                                 ifts  Kyortaare  Company  Limited  (GKCL)
                                                                 was  incorporated  in  December  2016  to
                                                         Gundertake  Food  Processing,  Events
                                                         Management and General Supplies. GKCL is a social
                                                         enterprise.  Food  Processing  took  the  center  of

                                                         our actives and operations with specific emphasis
                                                         on Groundnuts Processing into semi-finished and
                                                         finished ready to eat groundnuts and groundnut

                                                         base products (that is products for soups and for
                                                         spreads). Their vision is to be listed on the Ghana
                                                         Stock Exchange as one of the country's leading
                                                         food processors and grains and nuts farmers and
           Issue No. 20
                                                         aggregators by 2025.

                                                         Mabel Mwenyella-Zomabakorah Banye is the Co-
                                                         founder and managing director of Gifts Kyortaare
                                                         Cpmpany Limited. Mabel who prefers to be called

                                                         Mwenyella  Zomabakorah  holds  a  Post-Graduate
                   Ms. Mabel Mwenyella-Zomabakorah Banye
                      Co-founder & Managing Director     Diploma  in  International  Finance  from  Concord
       Business College. A graduate  later  transformed  into  a  sorting.  This  led  me  into
       of Wa Polytechnic with HND  minute  business  in  my  big  farming  and  it  reduced  my

       in  Accountancy,  etc.  With  handbag  which  carried  raw  material  loss  to  about

       several  years  of  work  p              r   o    c   e   s   s    e   d 5%. We farm about 85% of
       experience  in  social  work,  groundnuts/peanuts  paste  all our raw material needs.

       community  development,  and sold wherever I went to
       construction, the media etc,  transact business for my then  As  a  handbag  business,
       my  current  business  is  my  e m p l o y e r .   I   b o u g h t   NBSSI  took  interest  in  us
       greatest passion.                    groundnuts  from  the  open  and  invited  us  for  training.
                                            market but always lost close  Not  too  long  after  that,  I

       GKCL started as a hobby and  to  30%  after  cleaning  and  went for a business meeting

                                                                                                      Continue on  pg 2
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