Page 5 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 5

November, 2020                                                                                Page 5
          What is Something                           What are the best resources that can
          that almost nobody
               knows about
        ENTREPRENEURSHIP?                      help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality?

        Continued from pg 4                     t is difficult to classify the
       entrepreneur. False. An MBA
                                                “best  resources”  that  can
       is  a  “Master  of  Business
                                            Ihelp entrepreneurs because
       Administration.”  Let  me
                                            there  are  so  many  different
       t r a n s l a t e   w h a t
                                            types  of  entrepreneurs  and
       “Administration”  means:
                                            different  types  of  business.
       Administration  is  running  a       However,  a  few  helpful
       business, NOT starting one.
                                            resources  to  consider  are:  a
        ·     Do you see anyone             checklist  of  questions  to
            “cooking” here?                 determine the viability of your      for  coffee  and  offer  advice  if

                                            idea, a mentor with experience       you  reach  out  to  them.  It's
                                                                                 impossible  to  do  and  know
                                                                                 everything  yourself  as  an
                                                                                 entrepreneur, which is why it's
                                                                                 good to surround yourself with
                                                                                 mentors  who  can  offer
                                                                                 Lastly,  some  entrepreneurs  in
                                                                                 fast-growing  or  emerging
       A  chef  is  not  a  chef  until                                          industries  may  find  that  they
       he/she cooks something. An                                                need outside capital in order to
       entrepreneur  is  not  an                                                 launch and scale their visions,
       entrepreneur  until  he              in the industry you're looking to    so  as  you're  considering
                                            enter,  and  the  potential
       delivers value. Get out of the                                            creating  a  new  product,  think
                                            investment  pool  for  your
       classroom and start cooking!         company.                             about  what  the  potential
       H. Quintanilla                                                            investment pool is in your area.
                                            For  example,  one  question  I
                                            s u g g e s t   e v e r y o n e   a s k
                                            themselves is “Am I tackling a
                                            problem  that  people  think  is
                                            important enough to pay money
                                            to solve?” Having a checklist of
                                            similar  points  can  help  you
             Do you want to                 honestly  and  accurately assess

                                            the  viability  of  your  business  Are there local venture capital
             be noticed? We                 before you dive in too deeply.       groups that might be interested?

                                                                                 Would  a  “family  and  friends”
              can help you.                 In  terms  of  mentors,  a  local  fundraising  round  be  feasible

            Please call us if               e n t r e p r e n e u r   s u p p o r t   for you? Money is often one of
                                            organization is a great place to  the most critical components of
             you want your                  start, but if you live in an area  launching  a  new  business  or
                                            without one, the next best thing  idea, so it's good to think about

          business featured                 is to examine your professional  the  resources  available  at  an
                                            network. You may be surprised  early stage.
                     here.                  to see how many people are in  Jane Allen
                                            your  first-  or  second-degree
                                                                                          We are on
             020 8131656                    circles, and, in my experience,              FACEBOOK
                                            many people are happy to meet
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