Page 11 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 11
November, 2020 Page 11
Starting a Business? No idea for one?
Continued from pg 10
if you've got something or u n d e r s t a n d .
outsourced help, etc. It's
not. Entrepreneurship is an
not pretty, but that's not
And I'd argue, if you can get action. It's something you
the point. The point is that
do more than someone you
you're becoming intimately
are. It's nerve wracking
familiar with this problem.
but, after being a part of a
Call it prototyping.
few startups, I've learned
As you do this, you'll uncover
that your ability to get
better ways to solve the
started and optimism in the
problem. That's why so many
face of challenges is the #1
people come up with
characteristic of the
business ideas while at a just one person to pay for it, entrepreneur. They try new
current job. I see it all the you've got something. It ideas rather than thinking
time. They're working in one
might be a long road ahead,
area, realize that something
and you'll almost certainly
is inefficient, look for ways
need to pivot—but if you can
make that first sale, man,
you've made it further than
almost anyone. So, take your
janky prototype, the one that
you're almost embarrassed to
about new ideas.
showcase, and sell it.
And in the end, they figure
Because once you get that
something out that's
first sale under your belt,
pretty dang valuable.
you'll start getting feedback.
to solve it, and ultimately Zac Muir
realize that they could Feedback will drive your
develop something to do a solution forward. You'll come
much better job—which is up with more ideas as you
when they make a break for uncover deeper needs, deeper
it. problems. You might even
Now here's how you'll know have the opportunity to bring
whether you should go for on capital, because you've
it or not. Most people don't proved you have something.
Even if that something is tiny,
make it here. But you have.
You've found a problem, investing is a gamble and you
you've found a way to make just need to convince someone
things better, and you've to gamble on you!
got the guts to go out and Because here's the thing that
try it. So, you want to know m o s t p e o p l e d o n ' t