Page 2 - NYPD Columbia -Jan. 2023 Newsletter
P. 2

    A Message From
Our President Lieutenant anthony burgio
Greetings everyone!
I hope you and your families are doing well!
I first wanted to begin with
acknowledging and thanking the entire membership for showing our
Italian- American pride this past Columbus Day! The weather was perfect, and seeing how many of our members, families and friends showed up to proudly march up 5th Avenue was absolutely breathtaking. Our 2022 Grand Marshal Emily Compagno of Fox News also had a wonderful day, and it was our pleasure to have an Italian-American true supporter of law enforcement marching with our organization.
Recently, we also had our Cigar Night and Children’s Christmas Party which were huge successes. I cannot thank my board officers enough for all of the work and preparation that goes into all of these events.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the holidays, and want to take this opportunity
to wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year. Please be sure to see your Precinct Delegates or any board officer for your 2023 membership applications and cards. Retirees, be sure to reach out to Kendra Damante our Retiree Financial Secretary for your 2023 membership applications and cards. It is our
strong membership that ensures our continued success.
Until the next time, be well and be safe.
Anthony Burgio
NYPD Columbia Association

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