Page 2 - Mario Sultana Market Report
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Similar  to  2020,  2021  has  been
        filled with its own uncertainty and
        challenges  as  QLD  continues  to
        navigate and come to terms with
        our  new  normal.  The  COVID-19
        pandemic       has     significantly
        impacted  all  of  us  in  one  way
        or  another,  however,  it  has  also
        created  the  perfect  storm  for
        positive  growth  drivers  which  will
        most likely see Brisbane real estate
        prices continue to perform strongly
        for the remainder of 2021 and in to

        The  biggest  game-changer  has
        been how quickly our economy has
        recovered.  We  have  experienced  a
        V shape recovery where 90% of the
        jobs that disappeared have now
        been reinstated and 97% of mortgages that were put on hold last year have now
        been reinstalled. This has led to significant increases in both consumer and business

        At Place Newmarket, we have seen a 46.37% increase in buyers through our open
        homes.  Whilst  this  significant  increase  can  be  attributed  to  many  factors  the
        emergent theme is that valuing where you live, remains more relevant than ever.

        In  February,  published  an  article  on  the  10  most  searched
        keywords for houses and their year-on-year growth. “Study” came up on top with a
        52% increase from 2020. This data with other predicted trends show that the longer
        the pandemic requires people to work remotely, the more companies are expanding
        their remote work policies, with employees wanting to continue more flexible work

        The ANZ Bank forecasts Brisbane house prices to rise up to 16% in 2021 and a further
        8%  in  2022  -  four  times  that  of  the  pre  COVID-19  growth  rates.  It  is  evident  that
        anyone who buys an A grade home or investment-grade property in Brisbane now
        will look back in a few years’ time and recognise they bought well. Here’s hoping this
        new property cycle still has some time to run – but remember all good things will
        eventually cool to normality.

        Kind regards,
        Mario Sultana

        Principal Place Newmarket
        M: 0428 282 223
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