Page 14 - WomenAtImperial August 2020
P. 14



                                                    Therefore, we have partnered with
                                                    leading Money Psychologist and Sowetan
                                                    Columnist – Winnie Kunene – to undertake
                                                    a talk which is brutally honest, powerful,
                                                    inspirational, provocative, energizing,
                                                    transformational and fun  -  it is a ‘helicopter
                                                    view’ of life and money that inspires change.
                                                    The first 30 people who email
                                                    will receive access to this talk.

                                                    MOUNTAINVIEW OF LIFE & MONEY
                                                    Pay it forward & WIN with Imperial!

                                                    As we aim to inspire change and ensure that as women, we stand
                                                    together to support and grow one another, why don’t you pay it

       To succeed means you need more than          Nominate a woman in the business that you know may be going
       just a mentor. Strong will and clearly       through a tough time – maybe she’s in debt, maybe she has a
       defined personal goals are a must.           ‘shopping problem’, maybe she just needs some guidance to getting
                                                    on track. If you don’t know anyone in Imperial, you can also nominate
       In fact, there is a saying that goes         yourself, but think outward first – that’s how we build
       “Don’t tell me what to do, show me           and grow one another.
       how to do it” and this means that,
       as a business, we need to focus on           Provide a short motivation to as to
       not only telling you how to succeed,         who you nominate and why, with all their contact details. We will
       empowering you and giving you                select 5 of the most moving nominations to win personal money
       examples, but rather give you practical      coaching session with Winnie Kunene -  focused on budgeting, fixing
       resources that give you the tools to         your bad habits, step by step guides on money management and a
       get where you want to go. And while          6-month follow up to ensure they stay on track!
       our training programmes enable
       this, through this newsletter, we will       Inspiration through Linkedin
       focus on doing the same – giving you         Sometimes we all need a little pick me up – a reminder that we
       resources and platforms which you can        matter, we have a place and a voice. So, as you grow your network
       get involved in to help you grow. And        on LinkedIn, subscribe to the page called The Female Lead
       – what is a great newsletter without a
       competition?                                 Board Masterclass Series
                                                    You’ve all seen women on boards and wondered – how did they get
       Success - personally and professionally      there, what are their qualifications, will I ever be able to be one of
       - and money are not mutually exclusive       them. Well, the answer is simple – they all found a way to get there,
       – they are intrinsically intertwined and     and you can too!
       so to address your success, you need
       to look at your relationship with money      Business Engage run what they call a Board Masterclass Series
       – the mistakes, opportunities and how        which you can nominate yourself for. This programme is a mixture
       you can be financially independent.          of “technicalities” of being on a board (governance, understanding
                                                    of roles, knowledge of the Companies Act etc.) and the “merits”
       This independence is a stepping stone        (functional knowledge and experience, required skill sets, aptitude
       to financial freedom and critically          etc.) as well as networking and business interaction.
       important for any woman.
                                                    To date eight high profile board and/or trustee appointments have
                                                    been made through this process with more in the pipeline. Do you
                                                    want to be one of them? If so, Apply here, the next intake will be in
     14                                             November.
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