Page 3 - DURHAM CITIZEN - JULY 20TH 2021_Neat
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July 20, 2021 3
Canada announces easing of border
measures for fully vaccinated travellers
The Government of Canada is a pre-entry COVID-19 molecular
prioritizing the health and safety of Meanwhile, the U.S. land border test result. However effective
everyone in Canada by taking a will remain closed to non- August 9, 2021, the Government of
risk-based and measured approach essential travel until at least Canada is adjusting its post-arrival
to re-opening our borders. Thanks Aug. 21, according to a renewal testing strategy for fully vaccinated
to the hard work of Canadians, order issued by the American travellers. Using a new border
rising vaccination rates and government Wednesday. testing surveillance program at
declining COVID-19 cases, the “Given the outbreak and airports and land border crossings,
Government of Canada is able to continued transmission and fully vaccinated travellers will not
move forward with adjusted border spread of COVID-19 within the need a post-arrival test unless they
measures. United States and globally, the have been randomly selected to
On September 7, 2021, provided Secretary has determined that complete a Day 1 COVID-19
that the domestic epidemiologic the risk of continued molecular test. There are no
situation remains favourable, the transmission and spread of the changes to the mandatory testing
Government intends to open virus associated with COVID-19 requirements for unvaccinated
Canada’s borders to any fully between the United States and travellers.
vaccinated travellers who have Canada poses an ongoing T h i s s t r a t e g y a l l o w s t h e
completed the full course of "specific threat to human life or Government of Canada to continue
vaccination with a Government of national interests," the monitoring variants of concern in
Canada-accepted vaccine at least government wrote. Canada and vaccine effectiveness.
14 days prior to entering Canada Using these layers of protection,
and who meet specific entry quarantine upon arrival in Canada. government wrote. passengers will be permitted to the Government of Canada can
requirements. Meanwhile, the U.S. land border The new order expires one minute l a n d a t t h e fo l l ow i n g five monitor the COVID-19 situation in
As a first step, starting August 9, will remain closed to non-essential before midnight on Aug. 21. additional Canadian airports: Canada, respond quickly to
2021, Canada plans to begin travel until at least Aug. 21, The American order comes only a Halifax Stanfield International threats, and guide decisions on
allowing entry to American according to a renewal order issued few days after the Canadian Airport; restricting international travel.
citizens and permanent residents, by the American government government announced its land Q u é b e c C i t y J e a n L e s a g e Finally, with the advent of
who are currently residing in the Wednesday. border would open to fully International Airport; increased vaccination rates in
United States, and have been fully In a notice pre-published in the vaccinated U.S. citizens on Aug. 9 Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier Canada, declining COVID-19 cases
vaccinated at least 14 days prior to U.S. Federal Register, the and to fully vaccinated travellers International Airport; and reduced pressure on health
entering Canada for non-essential government says while vaccination from other countries on Sept. 7. Winnipeg James Armstrong care capacity, the three-night
travel. This preliminary step allows rates have improved, opening the Tr a n s p o r t C a n a d a i s a l s o Richardson International Airport; government authorized hotel stay
for the Government of Canada to land border to non-essential travel expanding the scope of the existing and requirement will be eliminated for
fully operationalize the adjusted still poses too high a risk. Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) that Edmonton International Airport. all travellers arriving by air as of
border measures ahead of "Given the outbreak and continued currently directs scheduled These airports, in cooperation with 12:01 A.M. EDT on August 9.
September 7, 2021, and recognizes transmission and spread of i n te r n a t i o n a l co m m e rc i a l the Public Health Agency of Fully vaccinated travellers who
the many close ties between COVID-19 within the United States passenger flights into four Canada, the Canada Border meet the requirements will be
Canadians and Americans. and globally, the Secretary has Canadian Airports: Montréal- Services Agency and Transport exempt from quarantine; however,
Subject to limited exceptions, all determined that the risk of Trudeau International Airport, Canada, are working to implement all travellers must still provide a
travellers must use ArriveCAN continued transmission and Toronto Pearson International the measures necessary to safely quarantine plan and be prepared to
(app or web portal) to submit their spread of the virus associated with Airport, Calgary International welcome international passengers quarantine, in case it is determined
travel information. If they are COVID-19 between the United A i r p o r t , a n d V a n c o u v e r as soon as possible after August 9, at the border that they do not meet
eligible to enter Canada and meet States and Canada poses an International Airport. as conditions dictate. the necessary requirements.
specific criteria, fully vaccinated ongoing "specific threat to human E ff e c t i v e A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 2 1 , All travellers, regardless of
travellers will not have to life or national interests," the international flights carrying vaccination status, will still require
Ontario Premier Doug Ford
rules out a provincial
‘vaccine passport: ‘We're not
gonna have a split society’.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford said in simple as that. We’re just gonna been shut down and/ or severely
the strongest terms yet Thursday move forward,” Ford said. “Now if restricted for nearly a year and a
that the province will not create a it's federal – getting across the half.
vaccine passport that would allow border – that's up to the federal Some post-secondary institutions
people to signal to businesses and government. We'll see what they have already said that students will
other organizations that they have decide to do.” need to be fully vaccinated in order
been vaccinated. While the federal government is to return to campus in-person.
“The answer is no, we're not gonna developing a vaccine passport that Quebec has also said that it plans to
do it. We're not gonna have a split would allow Canadians to signal to u s e s o m e s o r t o f p ro o f o f
society,” Ford told reporters in other countries that they have been vaccination to limit access to Ontario Premier Doug Ford
response to a question about vaccinated, some have called for nonessential services if that
creating vaccine passports local “vaccine passports,” perhaps province’s COVID-19 situation
Thursday at the first press in the form of a digital app, that worsens in the fall. medical officer. I've always said 80 per cent of the population
conference he has held in some would allow people to show proof However Ford said Thursday that from day one; I listen to my chief having received at least one dose,
time. of vaccination at businesses and he doesn’t plan on telling medical officer. He's saying there's and said the province will continue
He said people get proof of events. businesses who they should and no reason.” to encourage every resident to get
vaccination when they get their Toronto Mayor John Tory has should not serve and pointed out The premier also ruled out the vaccinated.
shot, though he acknowledged called for such a system to be that Ontario’s Chief Medical possibility of making vaccinations “Folks just please go get vaccinated,
that the slips can be forged or developed, as has the Toronto Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore mandatory, including for health that's all I can ask.”
falsified. But beyond that, the Region Board of Trade (TRBT). has said that he is not in favour of care workers. “No, hard no,” he said Figures released by the province
province will not be creating some TRBT CEO Jan De Silva said earlier such a system either. when asked whether he would Thursday show that 79.6 per cent
sort of digital proof of vaccination this week that it would be a way for “I'm not in favour of a mandatory consider the move. of adults 18+ have had at least one
as some people have urged. businesses to help ensure that they certification. I'm just not at all and He pointed to Ontario’s relatively vaccine dose while 59. 5 per cent are
“I just, no. We aren’t doing it. It’s as are able to stay open after having neither by the way, is the chief high vaccine uptake, with close to fully vaccinated.