P. 112
Relatos de transformación y esperanza
Alejandro Gómez Castillo
Once upon a time, there was a princess named
Isabela and a wicked witch wanted to take away her
beauty. The princess was in the forest, smelling wild
flowers, and the evil witch was stalking its prey like a
tiger. But a prince named Joachim was hunting and
he hid to wait what was going to happen. He
recognized that she was the evillest witch in his
kingdom, so he decided to save the princess. At that
moment, the witch turned into a terrible fire dragon
and attacked the princess and took her to his dark
lair, the prince followed her.
The evil witch had the princess in a prison, sleeping
with a potion and while she was sleeping, the witch
was stealing her beauty using a reflecting surface.
The evil woman went out to look for the last
ingredient she needed to finish her macabre plan
and the prince took the opportunity to go in and
save her. He found her in a deep sleep and where
she was, it was almost impossible to get her out, he
tried again and again until he found a way out, at
that moment the witch arrived and they confronted,
attacking each other with fire and sword.
The evil witch cast a spell on the prince and Joachim
was turned into a statue temporarily. She continued
with her plan to steal the beauty from the princess
through a magic mirror, the prince drew strength