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What’s Hot in Professional Books

                      Cover                       Title & Author                       Contents

                                                The Reading Compre-           Practical book on under-
                                           hension Blueprint: Help-           standing the components
                                           ing Students Make Mean- of comprehension along

                                           ing from Text                      with classroom strategies
                                                                              and activities.
                                            © 2021 By Nancy L. Hennessy

                                           The Writing Rope: A                Practical book on apply-
                                           Framework for Explicit             ing the science of read-
                                           Writing Instruction in ALL  ing to the skill of writing.

                                           Subjects                           Includes evidence-based
                                                                              practices for the class-
                                           © 2023 by Joan Sedita

                                           Why are we STILL Doing              This book is a teacher-

                                           That? Positive Alterna-            positive, empathetic in-
                                           tives to Problematic               quiry into 16 common

                                           Teaching Practices                 educational practices
                                                                              that can undermine stu-
                                           © 2021 By Himmele &
                                                                              dent learning.

                                           Confronting the Crises of  This book focuses on the

                                           Engagement: Creating               five Cs of engagement:
                                           Focus and Resilience for  Connections, Conditions,

                                           Students, Staff, and Com- Challenge, Control, and
                                           munities © 2023                    Collaboration. Easy read

                                                                              and very practical.
                                           By Reeves, Frey & Fisher

                                           Literacy Intervention in           Using a teacher-friendly,
                                           the Middle Grades: Word  hands-on approach, this

                                           Learning, Comprehen-               eminently practical book
                                                                              walks educators through
                                           sion, and Strategy In-
                                           struction, Grades 4-8 ©            the nuts and bolts of litera-
                                                                              cy intervention in the mid-
                                           2023 by Flanigan & Hayes
                                                                              dle grades.
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