Page 7 - Vol 8 Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 7
The “My Fave” Video Contest Winners!
The “My Fave” video contest had its inaugural launch this Fall. We hope this will be an ever ex-
panding opportunity for students to share their favorite books through video. The ultimate goal
is to create not only a community of readers within each school but a larger, interconnected
community of young readers across Northwest Arkansas region. Look for the next launch of
this contest in the Fall of 2022!
High School Winners
Senior - Mason Sierks, Junior - Ethan Straker, Sophomore
Michael Brown, and Freshman Jocelyn Miller. The overall
high school award went to Michael Brown.
Their super librarian at Gravette High School
is Mrs. Janna Sharp.
Middle Grades Winners
8th grade winner was LalitAditya Kaeshwaran and overall
Middle School award went to Reagan Hall. Both are students
at Grimsley Junior High.
Their super librarian is Jessica Humphrey, pictured to the
far left along with literacy specialist, Dr. Angie Greiner.
Middle Grades Winners cont.
7th grade winner was Emma Morrow (far left) with contest
winners from their school Riley Wood and Evelyn Venters.
Their super librarian at Washington Junior High is
Erin Valentine