Page 224 - Original 2020 Legal Guide By Jack Ryan
P. 224

Force                                                                Identifications

       •     Canine as force…65                                             •    Generally…54-55
       •     Deadly…60/68-76                                                •    On-Scene Show-Up…56-57

       •     Moving Vehicles-Shoot…71-73                                    •    Photo ID….54
       •     Handcuffing…62                                                 Motor Vehicle

       •     Hog-Tie…66                                                     •    Canine Search…146-149
       •     Gunpoint…64                                                    •    Community Caretaking…163

       •     Non-Deadly…59/61                                               •    Consent…156-157
       •     Pre-Shooting Conduct..74-76

       •     Pepper Spray…63                                                •    Frisk/Weapon…150

       Home Entries                                                         •    Incident to Arrest/Auto…151-155
       •     Canine Sniff…93                                                •    Inventory…162

       •     Consent…97-99                                                  •    Passengers…140-141
       •     Crime Scenes…106                                               •    Pre-Textual Stop…142

       •     Curtilage…88-92/160                                            •    Probable Cause to Arrest all
       •     Exigent Entry…100-106                                               Occupants…..144

       •     Incident to Arrest…111                                         •    Probable Cause Search…158-161
       •     Knock and Announce…107-109                                     •    Pursuits…130-134

       •     Routine Felony…86                                              •    Ordering Occupants Out…138
       •     Search Warrants…94-96                                          •    Rental Car…..139

       •     Third Party Home…87
                                                                            •    Roadblocks….164

                                                                            •    Random Running Plates…136-137

                                                                            •    Search Checklist…214-221
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