Page 8 - E-BOOK Ni Putu Hindiani Putri
P. 8

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              Mr. Utama : Oh...How have you been, Mr. Rahardja?

              Mr. Rahardja : I’m very well, thanks. I’m so busy this month. How have you

              been doing?

               Mr. Utama : I’m fine too.

                         1.2 Informal Greeting
                             Informal greeting or greeting no official is our greetings _ Use for
                             say hello to normal people already familiar or near with us, like
                             friend, friend. so can we Use in informal places, such as on the
                             street, in the market, at the center shopping or at home Informal
                             greeting  of  course  just  more  relaxed  compared  to  with  formal

                                  6.   P.m. (post merediem) = dari jam 12.00 siang s/d 24.00 malam
                                  7.   A.m (Ante merediem) = dari jam 24.00/00.00 s/d 12.00 siang
                                  8.   Di  Indonesia  menggunakan  jam  sistem  24  jam  sedangkan  di
                                  Inggris/Amerika menggunakan sistem 12 jam dengan menggunakan a.m
                                  dan p.m untuk membedakan malam dan siang.

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