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                                                        INSIDE THE

                                       Test Kitchen
              Katherine Alford,
              Senior Vice President,
              Culinary, Food Network Kitchen  Go behind the scenes of this issue.

                                                 COTTAGE CHEESE,

                                                 My home kitchen renovation
                                                 has taken more than
                                                 six months—much longer
                                                 than predicted, of course.
                                                 Without a stove or running
                                                 water, I’ve had to keep
                                                 healthful, ready-to-eat foods
                                                 in my mini fridge, and I’ve
                                                 rediscovered my love for
                                                 cottage cheese. I’ve become
                                                 so obsessed with it that
                                                 everyone thinks I’m on some
                                                 fad diet! I love cooking with it,
                                                 too: Cottage cheese is great     GRAINS ALL AROUND
             SUGAR STATS                         in lasagna, and it gives the     While recipe developer
             We received several letters         pancakes on page 108 a nice      Amy Stevenson was creating
             from readers asking us to begin                                      the sides on page 114, her brother
             listing sugar content with our                                       Clinton stopped by the test kitchen
             nutritional data, and we’ve                                          for a visit—and his first taste of
             started doing just that. We’re                                       quinoa. He liked it so much that he
             always careful to include several                                    bought a box before heading home
             low-sugar dinners—the tortilla                                       to Pennsylvania. Turns out he didn’t
             pizzas on page 102 have only                                         need to stock up: Quinoa is available
             3 grams of sugar. Just remember,                                     in most grocery stores these days,
             not all sugars are bad for you:                                      and in every imaginable form. Look
             Natural sugars, like those from                                      for quinoa pasta, crackers, chips
             fruit and dairy, are included in                                     and cereal, too!
             the total count.

               BIG FISH
               Recipe developer Melissa Gaman is our resident
               seafood expert (she even named her son Fisher!).
               She and her fiancé fish for striped bass, bluefish and
               flounder near her home in New Jersey, and their catches
               often inspire recipes in this section, like the baked
                                                                                                                         COTTAGE CHEESE: GETTY IMAGES.
               flounder on page 112. Any white fish will work for the
               recipe—fluke, sole and cod are all great alternatives.
               If you get a thin tail piece, just fold it over so it cooks in
               the same amount of time as thicker pieces.

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