Page 9 - Sound Wave Module
P. 9

Comparison of the above frequencies

       4. Organ Pipe Phenomenon

                                     an organ pipe is one of the sound-producing
                                     elements in the form of an air column for example on

                                     a flute, trumpet or piano. Organ pipes are divided
                                     into open and closed organ pipes.

       A. Open Organ Pipe

                   TONE                             WAVE                          EQUATIONS

                                                                          If a 1/2 wave forms along the
                                                                          organ pipe, the tone it
                                                                          produces is called the
                                                                          fundamental tone

                                                                          L =  ⁄  λ then λ = 2L

                                                                          so that the fundamental tone
        FUNDAMENTAL TONE                                                  frequency equation for an
                                                                          open organ pipe

                                                                          An organ pipe of length L
                                                                          forms 1 wave where

                                                                          L = 1 λ then λ = L

                                                                          The frequency of the top note

        FIRST UPPER TONE                                                  to 1 is
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14