Page 94 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 94

               St  Clair Flats                                                         VACATION RENTAL
                                                                                             Pg. 51a
                                                                         TIKI TOM’S
                                                                         VACATION        SUNRISE
                                                                           RENTAL       GETAWAY
                                                                           Pg. 50b       VACATION
                                                                                          Pg. 50b

                                                     with high                DEEP WATER
             Largest Freshwater                        stay as
                                                     far from                 to Lake St. Clair
              Delta in the World                     shore as         DNR RAMP

                                                      possible           Pg. 66                   North Channel

           EXTRA CAUTION TICKET AREAS        Choke points where it is difficult
                                         to maintain distance from
                    Decker’s                  shore/docks.
                    Landing                                          The “Flats” offer several  shortcuts!   During
                                 NORTH CHANNEL
                     North                           Algonac         high water, most highways are accessible
                 Channel                             Harbour
                 Yacht Club                                          to most vessels...however, during low wa-  Swim:
                           Dickinson           NO WAKE FOR ALL       ter only PWCs can access with sometimes   Strawberry
           BALTIMORE HWY.
                                                                     under 1’ of depth. “Highways”  shown here
                SNI BORA   Island                                    are the most frequently used & are for ref-  Island
                           MIDDLE CHANNEL      NO WAKE >26‘ BOAT     erence only. Even during high water some
                                                                     could be less than 3’.  Note some of the
                            Brown’s   Harsen’s   200/600’ RULE *  **   ***  fixed bridges may only accommodate a
                            Bar   Island   * Vessels < 26’ no        dinghy for clearance.
                                              wake within
                                         200’ of DOCKS/shore.         Middle Channel              HARSEN’S
                              SOUTH CHANNEL  no wake within                                  BROWN’S
                                               Vessels >26’
                                         600’ from DOCKS/shore.
                                                                                              Snooks Hwy.
                                                                                               Pg. 43
              **NOTE:  In the event where it is impossible
                 to be 600’ from end of a dock or shore,                        FIXED
                        NO WAKE applies for >26’.                              BRIDGE
             ***ST. CLAIR RIVER - When on plane, ALL size                                     Snooks Hwy.
           vessels should travel in center of river to minimize
                 wake damage.     200/600’ Rule Applies.                                           Very basic - no
                                                                                                  docks.  2021 was
          (Larger map on page 9 - See Warning Page 8!)                   DNR                     sometimes flooded
          No Wake Chart Reviewed by Marine Division, St. Clair County Sheriff 12/06/20  LAUNCH     with high water
                                                                                                    levels Pg. 66

                                                                       FUEL, STORE,
                                                                           Pg. 21

                                       I feel                                                        ISLAND
                                       the need...
                                        for speed!
                                                                                     Page 90
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