Page 34 - 2021 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 34

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         Clinton River Cruise Boats Retire

                Without any deserved fanfare,  ran between the city of Gibraltar
           Captain Paul Gallas retired the Clin-  and Bob-Lo Island during the pe-
           ton River Cruises at the end of last  riod  when AAA Insurance owned
           season.  30 years of memories for  this amusement  park, before the
           many with weddings, mystery mur-   rides  were  sold  off.    The  Friend-
           der cruises, parties, and friends get-  ship below ran with 3 other boats
           ting together on one of his 3 boats  on the U.S. side to Bob-Lo along
           which cruised the Clinton River.   with  two  Canadian  boats  which   Columbia and the Ste. Claire.
             The Clinton River Cruises start-  were the “Two Papooses.”  For a        Captain Paul graduated from
           ed in  1990 with  Captain Paul’s              bit  of history, the orig-  the Great Lakes Maritime  Acade-
           first boat the Clinton which                       inal  named U.S.   my.  He was a pilot on lake freight-
           was docked between                                    sister    boat    ers, worked for the Star of Detroit
           the   two    bridges                                     Bob-Lo       Boats, and bought one of their
           based in downtown                                         “Friend -   paddle wheel boats which he ran
           Mt. Clemens.                                               ship”      on the Detroit River for three years
                In 1994, Captain                                      was sold        before moving to the Clinton River.
           Paul   purchased                                                       to          What’s next for the Captain?  We
           the vacant proper-                                         Porto -    shall  see!  As
           ty where  the boats                                        f i n o    of  this  writing
           were based through                                        restau -    we are hoping
           2020  on North River                                    rant in  Wy-  Captain Paul
           Road,  the new  home of                               andotte    on   tires   quick-
           the “Octopus’ Beer Garden.”                        the Detroit River,   ly of retire-
           The property way back when was              sister boat  “Tecumseh”   ment and  the
           formerly the location of the Mt. Cle-  went to Key West as a party boat,   Fri endsh ip
           mens Canoe Livery.                 and the last U.S. shuttle to Bob-Lo   will  return
               The Friendship shown here which  “The  Beattie”,  went  to  New  York.     to  serve us
           we all remember  was purchased  Bob-Lo’s famous boats before          somewhere
           from Bob-Lo Island and was orig-   these  several  shuttle size boats   on the St. Clair River, near his new
           inally named the “Gibraltar.”  She  you may recall were the historic   home in Marine City .....stay tuned.

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