Page 59 - 2021 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 59

THE HOT SEAT                             results,  I    Then #5            Then #6             Then #7
                                                   ters team
              Behind the scenes with my first   tell John Cox below
         needed  press  pass  (due  to  pan-  (the likely winner) he
         demic shutdown public was not al-  would be “the last” on
         lowed up close), it was interesting to   stage to have his fish
         see  Bassmaster  Tournament     weighed....hmmm -  I
         Team set things up at host Lake St.   made sure to take A LOT of pic-  weighed  in  first.    He  then   Then #8
         Clair Metropark, Harrison  Town-  tures of him and his family around   sits in the “HOT SEAT” and
         ship. Last day of 4-days of fishing,   his boat at that moment... smart.     is  in  1ST  PLACE  for  the
                             when the                                    $100,000 prize until the next
          FINAL WEIGH IN     final   10   I also heard John Cox say it is so   guy beats his total weight of
                                         close and I am so nervous I think
             “1ST in the     boats ar-   I’m going to throw up... that’s the   fish caught.
            HOT SEAT”        rived    im-  kind of interesting quotes a press        The eventual very unex-
                                                                         pected winner, Bill  Weidler,
                             a check-    pass can get you.               was the 3rd to weigh in
                             in person                                       replacing #2 in the hot
                             was     on   Day #1, #2, # 3 leader John Cox    seat Jake Whitaker.     Then #9...
                             deck    of minutes before final Day #4 weigh in  Then #4 weighed in -
                             each boat                                       not enough... then #5....
                             to   verify                                     then #6... as Bill, who
                             all 5 fish in                                   came into  Day  4,  2.5#
                             each live-                                      behind leader John        and STILL IN
                             well were                                       Cox, sat in disbelief ... he   THE CHAIR!
                             indeed                                          was still in the Hot Seat in
                             alive.                                          first place!   Then #7, #8,
                                  Based                                      #9 ..... still in the chair!
                                                                               Now comes up John
          Rookie Taku Ito    on     the       So how it works at the weigh in   Cox, $300,000 career earner,
                             estimat -
               of Japan      ed    final   to make it exciting - and it was! -   leader all 3 days
                                         the assumed “last place” guy gets
                                                                                  (Cont. Page 57)
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