Page 8 - 2021 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 8

Marine Sheriff Update Con-  if <26’ vessel.  So there is an
           Live Music • GREAT FOOD • Tiki Bar                 tinued from Page 7          area you may cruise on plane
                                                              Seaway    Island  breakwall  200/600’ rule however NOT in
                     on the St. Clair River                   Light #2 which is hidden with  front of these couple houses -
                                                              our current record high water  confusing but it’s the law.
                                                              levels just 1.5-2’ below the       Finally, with our Secretary
                                                              surface (see page 4 photo).  of State virtually closed most
                                                                   And our favorite topic, NO  of last year, the Marine Sher-
                                                              WAKE ZONES!  Macomb re-     iff  overlooked  many  outdated
                                                              ported again many infractions  registrations and incorrect
                                                              on the Black Creek (Lake St.  titles.    2021 you must  have
                                                              Clair Metropark), Salt River,  your  stickers,  titles,  and  reg-
                                                              and the Clinton River.  Re-  istrations in order or you will
                                  150 Seat Patio & Tiki Bar   member  this  fair  warning  receive a ticket.
                                        6  Boat Slips         from the Sheriff, if you are up       With the record number of
                                Full Menu - Open Year Round   stream  on  the  Clinton River  new boats, PWCs, and kayaks
                                                              and  a  homeowner  gets  your  on our waterways it is sug-
                                                              MC numbers while you are  gested you take advantage
                                                              cruising too fast, you will have  of  a  Boater’s  Safety  Class
                                                              to exit the River right in front of  (
                                                              the Marine Sheriff where they  so we are all safe out here.
                                                              will  be  awaiting                    Also, Page 30
                                                              your arrival.    Coast Guard News     is information to
                                                                   More boaters   reported that 70%   America’s Boating
                                                              are learning the                      Club which pro-
                                                              several   areas  of deaths occurred   vides  both  social
                                                              of NO WAKE       on vessels where     opportunities and
                                                              zones in the St.   operator had not   classes in many
                                                              Clair  Flats  area   received boating   subjects  where
                             Home of the                      (see page 9).     safety instruction.  you  will  learn
                             Bushwacker                       There is one                          skills  from  experi-
                                                              new very gray                         enced boaters in
                                                              area  however  which  needs  the community. On the water
                                                              to be noted.  On the Middle  training,  online,  and  in  class
                                                              Channel  from  Brown’s  Bar  opportunities are available for
                                                              north  toward  the  no  wake  your participation.  America’s

                                                              zone near the North Channel.  Boating Club® is a registered
                                                              There is a random house or  trademark of the United States
                                                              two on  Dickenson Island all  Power Squadrons® and has
                                                              by themselves (circled area  over  20,000  members  or-
                UP CLOSE FREIGHTER VIEW!                      at right) .... the law states you  ganized into more than 300
                 A short ride by car or boat                  must be 600’ from shore or a  squadrons across the country
                                                              pier head or DOCK  if  you’re    with several local groups you
                                                              >26’ boat and 200’ from docks  may join in our area.

                                                                  This would fall under the Top 5 of
            New                   Fair
          Baltimore              Haven                            accident causes

                 Anchor Bay

                                           Clay Twp.                Rollover leaving the Snake
                                            Algonac              Hwy. cut heading into Fisher Bay      BEFORE
             Lake St. Clair                                         - luckily everyone survived.

           Clinton              Round
            River                Music

           (810) 765-2800

           7493 River Rd,  Cottrellville MI                      Photos:  Charles Fanson
        Page 08                            The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein
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