Page 92 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 92
There are many opportunities to see antique boats.
I took these photos while on shore at two parades!
@ Algonac See page 106 for dates.
during Pickerel
@ San Souci Bar
- Harsen’s Island
SS KEEWATIN - the Great Lakes in
The day after the Raft Off - By Mike Chase, Kingston Ontario.
We were fortu-
Only a few still standing. Windsor Aerial nate enough to be
Photography able to document
In what will un- her journey down
doubtedly be re- the St. Clair River to
membered as the Detroit and south to
maritime event for Amherstburg.
2023, the SS Kee- During the course
watin headed down- of her journey, en-
stream on her way thusiasts were lined
to her final resting up on both shores
place. as the tugs Molly
The Keewatin is M I and the Manitou
one of the largest occasionally recog-
remaining Edward- nized the crowds
ian era passenger with salutes.
steamers left in the Windsor Aerial
world. captured many pho-
She is older than tos and videos from
the Titanic featur- the journey.
ing 108 staterooms You can check
with berths for 288 their Facebook
passengers and page for more pho-
manned by a crew tos as well as a vid-
H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
WHILE MOST of 86. eo that documents
ARE RELAXING ON Her final des- the historic journey.
tination was the
Windsor Aerial
SUNDAY AFTER Marine Museum of Drone Photography
Marine Serivce