Page 102 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 102
Downtown New Baltimore
Beach • Park • 16 Free Public Boat Wells • Fishing Pier• Boardwalk
Hours: 9am - 10pm
**Cocktails may only be carried
TIMORE ALFRED All drinks to be a clear plastic
within the Pink & Gray Zones**
only container not exceeding
16oz. with a label from
approved establishment.
BAL Social District will not MARIA downtown businesses that allow it.
be allowed during
Drinks will be allowed in all
major New Baltimore
events with tents in
the streets such as FRONT
Bay-Rama Fishfly City Park Drinks cannot be bought from one
Fest or the Lion’s Club establishment and carried into
Winterfest. another that serves alcohol.
Don’t Miss Finds downtown New Bal- The Pink House across from the
timore Cont. from Pg 99 ... There’s al- beach pg. 107, is a beautiful Victori-
ways something new at Fin’s! an decorated home serving brunch &
The owner Jen’s homemade brand “Just
Delicious Scones” a ‘cookie like dessert”
served at the Pink House with your meal
have become so popular, Jen is
now producing 7,000 scones a Fin’s Award
day so you may buy them here, or Winning
when you’re out Oxford Ribs
shopping at a variety
of specialty stores, all Fin’s
the way up to Macki- Seafood
nac Island!
CC’s Dairy Bar &
Espresso Stop is in a
perfect location Fin’s Wasabi
Cont. Pg. 104 Tuna
The town’s
“mascot” sits
at the corner
of Front Street
by the beach.
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