Page 110 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 110
Downtown New Baltimore
Beach • Park • 16 Free Public Boat Wells • Fishing Pier• Boardwalk
weekends downtown
are for friends & families
New Baltimore
weekends bring
families & friends
together for many
events, to wine &
dine, shop bou-
tiques, the Farm-
ers Market, and to ket draws usually around 2000 visi- clude May 7 opening day celebra-
TIMORE picnic and enjoy events, it draws as many as 3500 Spring Party, July 9 Honoring our
tors each Sunday. During a special tion, June 4 Flower Day, June 18
just hang out for a
visitors in one day! 70,000 people Heros, July 23 16th Birthday, Au-
the free park and
gust 13 Summer Party & Family
this past season attended!
Highlights scheduled for 2023 in-
Day, and much more thru October!
BAL The Farmers Mar- FLAG landmark at the
base of the town.
The one winner of
each round will take
home 60% of
this progres-
UPDATE Supports
As previously reported, neering, planning firm OHM Annual Flag sive jackpot, while 40%
the New Baltimore Down- Advisors was hired last Maintenance will accumulate for the
town Development Asso- summer and is developing Take a small gamble to FLAG!
ciation has plans in place these concepts, along with win BIG! This new weekly event
to improve and expand the reviewing shoreline resto- Each Monday at 8:10 began May of 2022. At
present marina dockage at ration needed from damage pm, Fin’s Eatery draws press time the pot had
the foot of town. Besides due to high water levels the one of the remaining
long term goals of overnight last few years. 52 cards of the deck in grown to $40,000!
dockage, 2023 includes the New Baltimore and OHM play. If you can’t make You may purchase
design of an eco-friendly Advisors are actively pur- $5 tickets around town
multi-rock breakwall to help suing grant opportunities the drawing in person, at several store
shield the marina and town to help fund these exciting you may also watch and shop loca-
from incoming waves. and much needed improve- each week LIVE on tions.
An architecture, engi- ments. Facebook @ FINS
Cost is $5 per card
Plan your 2023 calendar to not miss and ALL proceeds
out on both family and adult nights are in support of the
downtown New Baltimore. $10,000+ annual cost
to maintain New Balti-
See page 103 along with more’s fantastic U.S.
updates all year at
P a g e 110 Th e a u t h o r , p u b li s h er , o r s e l ler a s s um es n o li a b i li t y w i t h r es p e c t t o t h e u s e o f inf o r m a t io n co n t a in e d h er ein
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